Spoils of War

Jan 11, 2008 23:00

Good episode. Solid. The sum total of my thoughts are:

1. If Teyla keeps giving John stealth hugs, he might kill himself one of these days.

2. Ronon pulling Rodney out of John and Teyla's private time was almost as hysterical as Lorne's "awwwwwk-waaaaard" face in the same scene.

4. Radek and John's conversation wherein John was avoiding going begging back to Teyla = HA.

But the big one is this:

3. Teyla and Lorne--secret best girlfriends. WHO KNEW? Oh my GOD, Lorne's nesting instincts STOLE THIS ENTIRE EPISODE. I mean, he's already my Stargate Boyfriend, but he was ADORABLE. Talking about his nephews with such affection and telling Teyla she was going to be a good mother and THE WHOLE SCENE AFTER THE WRAITH QUEEN DIES. Oh my Stargate Boyfriend Lorne! You are the cutest EVER! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Now, to watch KATE HEWLETT on Psych!

lorne is my stargate boyfriend, sga

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