
Dec 25, 2007 01:57

Hi guys! I am so fucking tired I don't know how I'm awake. I worked all day, it was totally insane, then we went out to dinner (our traditional Chinese food), which was also totally insane, then I did all my aunt's wrapping, now I'm doing all my wrapping. Or, well, I just finished. Now I'm going to write a little more for my Christmas Eve story and then pass out cold.

But mostly, I'm posting to wish you all a Merry Christmas, a Happy Atheist Children Get Presents Day and a fabulous Tuesday.

I'm also posting because there's an SGA marathon on SciFi right now and it's cracking my shit up. "Miller's Crossing" and then "Underground" (Which I look at as the start of The John and Rodney Fun Times Hour) and then "Home" with General Hammond, Voice of God.

The hilarious thing about "Home" is something that moonsheen and I didn't quite realize until halfway through our first joint viewing. The Mist People make Hammond the Voice of God. By the time John joins the SGC and the expedition leaves... Landry is in charge over at the SGC. I mean, that's how Elizabeth gets involved in the whole thing in the first place. So... why the hell would John even know who Hammond is? Why would Elizabeth, Rodney, and Ford think of Hammond as their calming SGC superior? Aside from the fact that Hammond is THE SHIT and maybe Beau Bridges was busy or something.

We've decided that, before the expedition left, John and Jack bonded and Jack sat John down and showed him pictures of all past and present SGC personnel, then made him memorize details about their personalities. "Just in case."

This is really hilarious to us. It might be because we are unhinged. But we love Hammond, the Voice of God. He makes us ridiculously happy.

Now "The Storm" is on! HI RADEK. ILU. Awwww, and it's baby!Radek with a shakey accent. I want to ruffle his hair. More.

PS: Please, someone write a story where Rodney hates Christmas because he's allergic to Christmas trees and the holidays thus make him miserable. Because I am allergic to Christmas trees (even though I refuse to let my family get a fake one) and I can imagine someone who did not have a family as cool as mine learning to hate the holidays because of their allergy.

sga, fic: ideas, christmas 07

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