[advent 07] december seven

Dec 07, 2007 23:28

For leupagus, who asked for John and Rodney arguing about tree trimming while Ronon and Teyla watched in amusement from the couch. I HOPE THIS IS OKAY. It ends kind of abruptly, but my fingers are cold and I want to bake cookies.

(Also, call me or drop me an e-mail re: Sunday.)

advent - day seven
sga - 'tis the season

It takes Ronon almost half an hour to to get out of the mess hall. It's his own fault and he knows that, but it's still frustrating, and if it had been anyone but Weir trying to hold him up, he probably would have just left in the middle of the conversation. Now he's late for the meeting Sheppard e-mailed him about this morning (he has to admit that he enjoys the Atlantis computer network more than he thought he would when one of the linguists offered to write a Satedan translation program. It reminds him of Sateda and his rotations in Communications when he first joined the army.), which wouldn't bother him if it didn't mean that McKay would spend the first fifteen minutes bitching about having to wait.

When he gets to the lounge they tend to meet in, McKay is already bitching, but rather than complaining about Ronon's tardiness, he's shaking a red glass sphere at Sheppard. Sheppard is holding a blue star and rolling his eyes. Teyla is sitting on a couch and holding a bowl of popcorn.

Ronon chooses to sit with Teyla.

"Sorry I'm late," he mutters to Teyla, taking a handful of popcorn. "Weir sat with me at lunch and I asked her a question about that weird candleholder and she wouldn't shut up."

Teyla nods, eyes still on McKay and Sheppard. For the first time, Ronon notices that they're standing in front of a small green tree. "The many cultures of Earth have several different winter festivals," she explains. "Elizabeth feels it is very important to acknowledge all of them, but even within the separate holidays there are... differences of opinion."

"We are not putting religious ornaments on the tree!" McKay shouts, as if to highlight Teyla's point. "This is a scientific mission, Sheppard! There is no place for religious nonsense!"

"I'm not saying you have to buy into it, Rodney," Sheppard says. He's using the particular tone of voice that Ronon has only ever heard him use with McKay, one that hovers between aggravation and amusement. "I'm just saying that the holiday has roots in religion and it makes more sense if you explain them."

"Oh yes, because a virgin birth in a manger is perfectly sensible."

"What are they talking about?" Ronon asks Teyla, taking another handful of popcorn. It's not the usual kind--it's got something covering it, something sticky and sweet. He thinks he likes the other kind better.

"Rodney and John both celebrate the same winter festival, called Christmas," Teyla said. "Last winter John explained to me that though the holiday has religious basis, it has become very secularized and is often celebrated without invoking religion at all. Many religions and countries in their world now celebrate this holiday as a time of family and gift-giving and warmth, neglecting to acknowledge the origins. Rodney takes this viewpoint. John feels that, although he personally does not believe in many of the religious aspects, they should be acknowledged in the name of tradition."

Ronon blinks at Teyla and then glances back at Sheppard and McKay. He notices now that the small tree is covered with little lights and one or two colorful spheres like the one McKay is gesturing sharply with.

"Fine!" Sheppard says. "No nativity scene, no baby Jesuses on the tree, but we at least need to talk about the three wise men. I thought you'd like that part."

"Oh please," McKay rolls his eyes. "Three crackpots following a spacial phenomenon in some kind of religious fervor? What about that did you think I would like?" He turns to the little tree and throws out his hands in frustration. "White lights? What the hell kind of home did you grow up in, Sheppard? Colored lights! Colored!"

And they're at it again, with McKay flailing his hands and Sheppard alternately sighing and smirking.

"Did you say gift-giving?" Ronon asks Teyla.

"Mm," she says, giving him one of her secretive little smiles. "Also, drinking."

"Hey, don't eat all that!" McKay shouts at Ronon as he puts his hand back in the bowl. "We need to string it up for the tree!"

"It's caramel popcorn," Sheppard says. "You can't use caramel popcorn to make popcorn strings, it gets the tree all sticky!"

The bickering washes over Ronon and Teyla and Ronon tosses a popcorn kernel into his mouth. "I dunno," he says. "Drinking might actually make them bearable for once."

ronon, rodney, teyla, john, fic: sga, advent 07

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