thankful and stuff

Nov 23, 2007 00:13


  • My computer. Guys, let's not pretend this isn't the most important item in my life. How would I talk to all of you without it?
  • My family. They don't suck that much, sometimes.
  • Food. It's awesome.
  • My friends! Such as...
  • Former!and!Future!Roommate moonsheen, mostly because I just looked at our last transcript and... guys, this is someone who I can share my SECRET SHAMES with and who only makes fun of me a little and who is funny with me and lets me pull her into my obsessions and tells me about gay lawyer games and totally understands when I IM her and say, "I TOTALLY KNOW HOW YOU FEEL NOW!" and only says "I told you so" like, three times. OR LESS. She's that cool. Anyway, I love her.
  • Steven, who will not see this (unless I e-mail it to him), but who lets me rant and babble about my current obsessions and watches teevee with me and goes to crappy movies with me and who I can tell stuff to (like my SECRET SHAME) without worrying about him making fun of me. Too much.
  • speccygeekgrrl even when she can't speak to me because I am ever the optimist and can't give up hope.
  • quatredeathlady, even though she's a bitch with a job and an apartment and a successful relationship--I mean. Um. Even though she's my cousin? Yeeees. ::shifty eyes::
  • alanafish, who will maybe be giving me the best birthday present ever.
  • The people I know at work, who have kind of accepted me and make me feel like I have actual friends.
  • saidlian_nataly who was my roommate for the shortest period of time of anyone I lived with, but who is one of my top two favourites. (The other top two is on this list. GUESS.)
  • quackerscooper, I guess, even though she's a lush.
  • I guess I have other friends, but I'm totally thankful for these awesome shoes I'm wearing. THEY HAVE POLKADOTS.
  • Law and Order marathons.
  • Actually, all my teevee. I love it all.
  • Clementines
  • My frog hat
  • Dvds
  • My crappy job, I guess.
  • Wishbone
  • Olivia
  • tea
  • Books
  • My cellphone, which doesn't suck that much
  • My bed! My bed is awesome, guys.
  • My family. I guess I should mention them again. Cause they're kind of important.
  • Fanfiction. I'm not kidding, guys, there are days where the promise of good fic is all that gets me through my crappy job, or when surprise good fic or fic fests make my crappy days better.
  • LiveJournal (see above)
  • Socks
  • Pajamas
  • Cheddar cheese
  • Dinosaurs
  • The blow-up alien that lives in our living room (I'm not kidding, guys, this is a ridiculous place to live.)
  • Sweaters
  • Writing stuff
  • GoogleMaps
  • ALL OF YOU, SERIOUSLY. You light up my life, LJ. ♥ ♥ ♥

Anyway, my Thanksgiving was okay. I hope yours was as well, if you celebrated. If not, I hope you had a great day. If not, I hope tomorrow is better. ♥ ♥ ♥

thanksgiving, friends

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