Wednesday night theatre?

Nov 07, 2007 23:21

Hey internet. What's up?

So, Kate Hewlett's in town for the next few weeks doing a play that I am dying to see. Because I am in love with her. I have a late shift next Thursday, so I was thinking of going next Wednesday night. It's called Humans Anonymous and it's only playing for another week and a half. Tickets are $18. I would love a buddy. PLEASE COME WITH ME. I promise I will not embarrass you by falling all over myself with lust for Kate*.

Anyway, drop me a line if you'd like to go. I'm sure I'll get back to regular blogging soon. I'm just, you know, in a slump and lonely and depressed. That does not make for good blog entries, unfortunately.

* I can't actually promise that.


In vaguely related news, speccygeekgrrl brought me a present when she visited! That present was S3 of SGA and I just watched the commentary for "McKay and Mrs. Miller." This just in--I love the Martins more than is probably healthy. Their commentary is adorable, and they love the episode so much. It's their favourite, and one of mine too. It's between that and "The Tao of Rodney," to be honest. There's just so much love in that episode and so much hilarity and so much amazingness. And the commentary offers much of the same. OH MARTINS.

Some choice quotes:
"So I said to David, McKay is you and Rod is Jane..... and he said, 'Oh! Kindness! That's what that is!'" (Which just puts horrifying and amazing thoughts of Rod/McKay into my mind, THANKS MARTY G.)

"Let me say this, Joe Flanigan's laugh...."
"Are you... going to say more about that?"
"Joe Flanigan's laugh. Is that for real? Because... I think it's a pretty terrible laugh. I thought it was fake, but he insisted it was a for real laugh."

The commentary is just great. Every other line is one of them talking about how awesome the other is, one of them talking about how awesome Kate is, or one of them making fun of David. It's precious.


Okay, I'm going to check out what other commentaries the Martins do and then maybe go to bed. BUT IF YOU WANT TO GO SEE KATE WITH ME, JUST TELL ME. SRSLY. (And if you want to go on another day, just tell me that, too. I could be persuaded to go more than once. ::shifty eyes::)

kate hewlett, sga, martin gero is my tv writer boyfriend

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