this is a picspam, mostly for me.

Sep 02, 2007 23:26

So, the saddest thing ever is reading bad things about yourself on the internet. Or, at least, it's the saddest thing ever for me, who is crazy and ridiculous and hormonal right now.

So, to make up for bad things about me on the internet, I am having a picspam. Of things I like.

Apparently one of the things I like is Kate Hewlett. As you will soon see.

Okay, I just found this. It was going to be a prompt for itsproductivity (and might still be, 'cause I'm a crazy bitch), but I liked it? Yeah. Look at the colors!

Kate the first. With brother David! Who is a nerd! Clearly!

TR's head in a jar from Futurama because it is the best show ever.

Patches Saftey Tip! This sometimes happens to me D:

I have a thing for DHew's hands. Apparently that extends to the entire Hewlett family. Kate the Second.

The alt-text for this picture says it all.
eta: can't refer to alt-text you forgot to apply. it was supposed to say "alkfjioaewfjlksdf;lksjdf YES."

Around here, the picspam degenerated into people I'd sleep with.

Yup. Hot chicks, mostly.

Oh look, there's David. Hi David! Hi David's adorable smile!

Random picture of Alton Brown with cupcakes! Oh, cupcakes. I love you. (Alton Brown is cool, too, I guess.)

Again, really, the alt text says it all. Jazz hands, David? Really?

I love this picture so much. Just looking at it makes me happy.

I think this is the last picture of Kate.

Giraffe-y the Giraffe! He is my (stolen) friend from Michael's.

team! team! team! team! team! team! I love the team! So much! omg! And I love this episode! :D :D :D

THIS IS THE BEST INQUIERER IMAGE EVER. miseryloves_ made it for a piece about adding things to the lyrics of Alanis Morissette's "Ironic" to make them ironic. The line for this was, "It's like rain on your wedding day... and you're marrying Ra the sun god." I LAUGHED FOR LIKE TWO HOURS WHEN I SAW IT. I laughed again just now when I uploaded it. IT IS THE BEST PICTURE EVER. EMILY IS AWESOME.

Kavan Smith, my Stargate boyfriend, and a puppy. Awwww! Puppy! LorneMyStargateBoyfriend! I think someone on Atlantis should give Lorne a puppy. It would be AWESOME.

I love this fleece more than it is probably healthy for a person to love an article of someone else's clothing.

And finally, we come to this. I think this says it all, doesn't it?


Thank you for allowing me that self-indulgent picspam. you can go back to your lives now XD

emily is awesome, picspam, lorne is my stargate boyfriend, david hewlett is awesome, dinosaurs, kate hewlett, sga

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