meme-ish things

Sep 02, 2007 14:20

Whenever I'm writing tags, the comments always seem a lot smaller in the comment box than they are when I post them and I always feel really stupid, like I've rambled on for far too long. WHOOPS.

Anyways, I was just looking at my awesome interests again and thinking about how awesome they are and thought I would do that self-indulgent meme where people ask you about your interests and you babble on about them. So. Yes.

Look at my interests ( they live here!) and pick two or three that you don't understand or are curious about. Comment with them and I will explain them to you, because I am magnanimous like that. Then you can post this in your journal and talk about how cool the things you like are, too.


I started making a new mood theme, because clearly what I need to do is waste time looking at every Patches strip ever, for the five-hundredth time. (It's a Patches mood theme.) (Um, obviously.) I really, really love my Ella Enchanted theme more than mere words can express, but I've had it for a few years now and I think it's time for a change. Plus there's this whole... psychologically I associate it with this thing and... you guys don't care. Anyway, NEW MOOD THEME maybe. I have about 35 moods made so far, which means I have almost a hundred to go still, but...yes. It will be awesome. I'll post a zip when it's done, too, so that the two of you who also read Patches can use it if you'd like.


Shower + food now. Food will most likely equal cake. There's a lot left over.

meme, el jay, rping, patches

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