oh, sunday...

Aug 12, 2007 21:29

Hey there, internet. I really need a new hobby, because once again I spent the day doing nothing. I watched "Allies" and "No Man's Land" in the wee hours of the morning for three particular reasons:

1. Radek and Carson being super-scaredy nerd boys in front of the wraith.
2. The moment of "John-o-Vision" that we get at the beginning of "No Man's Land," when he's trying to remember the conversation about launching into hyperspace that went on in the background and he flirted elsewhere.
3. Lorne + Orion = OTP.

Anyway, then I slept and then I woke up and read fic and watched teevee. I wrote a little bit of two different things. I moved some things around in my bedroom.

Things I did not do:
Pull the modem out of the wall in TEH RAGE when our internet was SHITTY AS HELL. JESUS CHRIST.

I'm calling Cablevision tomorrow. I've had enough of this shit.


I'm still taking requests for The Five Things Meme. C'mon, guys. You know you want to force me to write things for you.


Apparently, David Hewlett's escape from Rachel's baby shower was hiding out in the kids' trampoline.

I think this is one of the few times he wins the "WTF?!" Award from JFlan. Of course, this probably means that tomorrow JFlan is going to like, build a car out of cans of RedBull and old skateboards, but "WTF?!" Contests are certainly something I encourage, so I'm not about to complain.


Hm, I've tried to post this three times, let's see if it will work on the fourth try.

lorne is my stargate boyfriend, david hewlett is awesome, jflan, sga

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