
Jun 12, 2007 02:55

Oh, John Hodgman. Why are you so incredibly awesome? He cracked me up on tonight's TDS, although Colbert throwing his metal diploma at a lifesize foamboard picture of Bill Clinton wins for "funniest thing that happened on teevee tonight." The funniest thing that happened tonight, period, is this link to a video I ganked from crazylittleme:

I also exchanged like, four hundred e-mails with Steven while he watched Hostel II, which was, as always, much fun. I'm glad that the majority of my human contact these days is via e-mail. AWESOME.


Tomorrow there will be a Josh/Donna Sam/Will CJ/Danny lovefest. Tonight, have an adorable Playbill interview with John Gallagher Jr. I can't tell you how endearing I find it that his audition song was "Army."

teevee, tcr, teh internets, tds

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