oh, kaitlyn...

Jun 03, 2007 22:49

I could make a list of things that I have burned myself on in the past five hours, but that would be long and embarrassing. ::shifty eyes::

The one I don't understand is the plate. I HATE microwaves. The food on it wasn't even hot yet!


In other news, I read more bad fic and wrote another cover letter. I almost over-wrote the file, though, when getting my frustration out by writing the "OMG I AM SO DESPERATE AND I WANT THIS JOB SO BADLY" version. I do not think they would appreciate the line, "I LOVE TYPOGRAPHY SO MUCH AND YOURS IS ATROCIOUS. LET ME CHOOSE YOUR FONTS."

I do love typography though, guys. I'm beginning to DL some of my favourite fonts onto this computer and... oh man. Oh man. I can't wait until I have Photoshop again so that I can use them to make pretty things.

(One of my goals is to learn Photoshop for real and learn Illustrator at least for fake. I'm getting better and better with InDesign, but I really want to be for-real good at Photoshop, instead of passable good like I am now. I think it will help me get jobs.)


I have decided that the penultimate scene of the story I wrote yesterday is going to become the ultimate scene. The ending is not going like I planned. Now I just have to write a few more pranks and the story might be for-real finished. This is exciting! It will be my first real story in a new fandom. (I'm not counting the "John's wife was a hippie named Moonflower" and "Caldwell gives Elizabeth Chocolate (but it's totally standard issue from the SGC he swears)" ficlets I wrote for moonsheen or the "Michael and Ford have mutant wraith babies" ficlet that... was also for Moonsheen) New fandoms are exciting! And also terrifying because, oh my god, there are so many people and they're GOOD AT THINGS and I am only SORT OF MEDIOCRE AT THINGS and who knows what I'll bring down upon myself by posting!

So, we'll see what happens. I might totally chicken out. Today I wrote a scene where Rodney has an emotion for a whole split second:

"It's just--" Rodney glanced around think that there had to be an out somewhere. Unfortunately, everyone else was occupied with their food, everyone except Teyla who was still staring at him with that freaky aura of calm radiating from her eyes. "It's just, Ford's gone, and I know we've got teams looking for him everywhere we can, but Sheppard acts like he's just going to punch our arms and laugh and come back to Atlantis with us when we find him." He paused to roll his eyes at Sheppard's seriously demented worldview. "And that's seriously not going to happen. Sheppard's not stupid, he has to see that. And this was... I don't know. This was a way to distract him for a few minutes."

Teyla nodded, head tilted slightly to the side. "I see, Dr. McKay," she said. "It is very noble of you to do something such as this despite the petty annoyances and interferences with your own life and lab."

Rodney waved her off dismissively, returning his attention to his lunch. "Yes, yes well--wait, my lab?"

Man, a whole second of emotion there. It's awesome.

Anyway, I think it's time for ice cream. It will soothe the burns, at least.

fic: unfinished, i am dumb, job search, fic: sga, sga, pain

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