"they like two brothers..." "brothers!" "who go on a date!" "who...what?"

May 22, 2007 18:42

So, I have a big long ranty fandom post to make later, but I'm leaving relatively soon to see Jonathan Coulton and Jenny Owen Youngs with shala, so I don't want to make it now. Or maybe I will. IT WILL BE A MYSTERY FOR NOW.

I wrote this before I left and it didn't post. Turns out the show is sold out and I don't have a ticket yet so... yeah. I'm here.

Anyway, I've been listening to a lot of Avenue Q lately for obvious reasons. I forgot how much I love some of these songs. "Fine, Fine Line" is just about the best angsty break-up song ever, and my little heart breaks for Rod when he wakes up from his dream at the end of "Fantasies Come True." Awwwww. Rod!

The real point of this is that I need to see Avenue Q again, right after I see the five million other shows I need to see.


I had this really weird dream where shibaiko owned a bed and breakfast? And invited a whole bunch of people over, specifically me and pyoko and shala and Steven and my brother's friend RJ and I think dogseesgod and quackerscooper and twentyfivepast (whom I have never met) were there too. So, basically, Sophi threw a party and invited a whole bunch of people she didn't know and MaDonna and me.

Anyway, we were all sitting around drinking tea and coffee and watching people play a game and we tried to plan a group outing to see the new HP movie. But then Sophi was like, "Um, I live in Texas..." and everyone else lived far away too and we realized that was really stupid.

Then the phone rang and I woke up.

I'm trying to look for a deeper meaning, but I think the answer is do not read LJ before bed.


I really want to make that fandom post because I'm really, really incensed about something right now, but it's probably going to have to wait until I get back tonight until after dinner. I just... argh. I'll get over it eventually, just like I do every other time this happens, but for now I'm going to stew a little and distract myself with other things.

avenue q, dreams, theatre

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