First of all, does anyone know where I can get my hands on a copy of SGA 3x19 ("Vengeance") with the sound synced up right? (Hypothetically speaking, of course, because we all know I would never illegally procure television shows.) My e-mail is in my profile or you can drop a comment here and then delete it (I get my comments e-mailed ot me) if you have to. NEVERMIND.
I know you're all dying to hear my review of The Reaping! You've probably been on the edge of your seats all night, waiting to hear all about this fine example of cinematic expression! I certainly can't disappoint you by holding out, now can I?
The most hilarious parts of this movie:
1. The main character, Katherine, allowing her young daughter to frolic around the men who are constantly sharpening machetes, and then being all surprised when one of those men sacrifices her daughter to the gods. HilARious.
2. When the priest's room spontaneously bursts into flames. Oh man. Oh MAN. I laughed so hard, but Steven was in the bathroom, so I didn't have anyone to share my mirth with.
Overall, the movie was hilariously, terribly bad. Like I said, it takes about five seconds to suss out the plot, and it employs every single cult-horror-movie trope that you can think of. Why is it that the first person you meet whenever you show up in a small town to investigate paranormal happenings ends up being a lunatic? Because it's a cult-horror-movie trope, that's why!
My biggest complaint was a lack of frogs in the rain of frogs. My second biggest complaint was the fact that the camera was so shaky I had to keep my eyes closed for half the movie.
Also, I'm glad half the previews were for a romantic comedy. Because I'm sure that's what all the viewers of The Reaping were looking for when they stepped into the theatre.
Here is an icon meme from
stillabet! It's her birthday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! For your birthday, I am stealing this meme from you!
Default Icon
madamtorsionkeywords: bedhead!will
I love this icon so much
it has its own tag! Oldest Icon
I think, technically, it's a threeway tie between "happy thoughts," "sleepy," and "tired," since I had them waaaaaay back when I first got a paid account, but I got rid of them for awhile. The icon I've had consistantly for the longest is
It's of Katy Pfaffl with lyrics from her song "Beautiful."
Newest Icon
elliepticalkeywords: sibling bonding
I have a thing for siblings. Also for Kate Hewlett. Also for the fact that Rodney seems to get dressed in a dark closet whenever he's in civies. (No, that was not a gay joke. But it totally should have been.)
Happiest Icon
keywords: happy thoughts
Squee! Being happy! Awww!
Saddest Icon
shinkenkeywords: broken, remus learns
Remus + Bright Eyes lyrics = SUPER!EMO. SRSLY.
Angriest Icon
nerdorkkeywords: you're on notice!
It was pretty much a threeway tie between this, my Alexander and the Terrible.. etc, and "pissy bitches," but I feel like this one holds the most anger.
Cutest Icon
keywords: even longer than forever, friends
Awwww. Who doesn't think Pooh and Piglet are the cutest ever?
Sexiest Icon
coloneljackkeywords: it's about damn time, josh/donna, the kiss
There's something really erotic about the placement of his hands and the cropping of this icon.
Funniest Icon
sweetafton23keywords: you could call it hunting
HALF OF MY ICONS ARE FUNNY ONES. Discounting all the icons that are inside jokes and all the ones that are only funny to me (I am the only person on the planet [okay, maybe
moonsheen, too] who thinks it's hilarious that John Sheppard walks through life half-stoned.), I think this one wins.
Favorite Ship Icon
scrollgirlkeywords: sam/will, why do i ship this?
Hands down, this one wins. "Quixotic" is possibly the best word EVER to describe Sam, Will, and Sam/Will as a whole.
Favorite Quote Icon
everlynkeywords: plotting, proceed with caution
Oh, Good Omens. You'll never stop being funny.
(My real favourite quote icon doesn't exist yet. It involves a quote from SGA 3x20 that I won't repeat here for those wary of spoilers, but it's hilARious and proves that John Sheppard is a thirteen year old emo girl and I love it.)
Favorite Textless Icon
blimey_icons and
rainblowskeywords: leadership apparently and you're gonna run for president one day
I love them both. I'm counting the first one as "textless" because the text in it is actually in the cap, as it's taken from a "video recording" within the episode. And... oh, Rodney. ::pets:: And Sam with that tie and those pinstripes and his eyes and he's totally going to be president one day. ♥
Favorite Overall Icon
GOSH I DON'T KNOW. I love my default because... it's my default. That's why I made it my default. But I also love that Sam/Will one. Choosing from ones I haven't already chosen, I'd say it's a tie between these two right now:
by me and
lemon_crazekeywords: tired and orange fleece of love
Because... I love that Wobbly-Head Bob icon so much. I've had it for a million years and I don't see myself ever getting rid of it. But I also love the orange fleece of love. And Rodney's sniffly expression there. I just want to pat him on the head and tell him it's okay, he'll get the ATA gene soon!
and, if you've read this far! Additional Icon meme! from
speccygeekgrrl Look at
my userpics. Based on those icons, answer the following questions:
1. Which icon do you associate with me?
2. Which icon is your favorite?
3. Which icon would you like to see me use more often?
4. One that you don't understand?
5. Can you make 2 of my icons converse?
6. When you comment, use your favorite icon and tell me why you love it.