I think the last like, six times I recced something it was by
scrollgirl. This one is not, because she hasn't written anything lately, but she totally should, just so I can rec it.
Um. Right. Anyway.
A Brief Layover by
cottontail73 - SGA, McKay/Sheppard, R for sexin', and massive spoilers for "Sunday"
There are a million things that sold me about this story, but the very first was how it was a John story, but with an incredibly strong, well-written ensemble. Lorne, Zelenka, Ronon, and Rodney all interact with and around John and their antics are achingly true to character and also kind of hilarious. (And you all know the easiest way to make me fall in love with your story is to be hilarious. First and foremost, I am a humor girl.)
But really, the strongest part of it is John, who is both oblivious and all too aware of what's going on with Rodney and reacts almost instinctively to make things better for him. It's touching and tender and also pretty fumbling at times, because that's what John is. The best thing about McKay and Sheppard in canon is their ability to work off of each other, and that's particularly strong in this fic.
Anyway, I have to go to sleep so I can get up and take naked pictures tomorrow, but you should go and read that story, because I said so.