I'm having the best conversation ever with
moonsheen. I am so pro-evil twins, guys. Especially when they have GOATEES.
Despite the snow (tangent: sometimes, when there's just a little bit of snow and it doesn't totally cover the grass, I get this feeling like the grass... I don't know, the grass just look sentient to me and it's kind of freaky and kind of awesome) I managed to make it over to
miseryloves__'s apartment for her pizza party. The pizza was AMAZING, especially the Barbeque tofu and pineapple pizza which was SO GOOD OMG. I need to make it sometime or something, it was SO GOOD.
Anyway, we ate pizza and then around eleven Steve and Arthur and Antonio showed up with a board game called Pop 5. It's like Cranium, but with Pop Culture stuff and it was kind of the most hilarious thing ever. So there was that. And then I talked to Robert about BNL and all sorts of other music for awhile, and that was nice. And now I'm here and Alex and I are discussing the finer points of evil twins. Here are some of them:
• Elizabeth should be Slutty McSWhoresalot. Because. OMGHOT.
• The hair is the source of both Evil!John and Normal!John's power.
• Evil!Rodney is Evil!John's arch nemesis. They have hate sex.
• Normal!John and Evil!John battle each other with Atlantis, mostly slamming doors in each other's faces.
• Ronon punches his evil twin unconcious in about two seconds.
• Neither John can bring himself to triumph over the other if it means shaving someone's head.
• Evil!McKay pretends to help the normies, but double crosses them, because he is a true evil overlord.
• Evil!John has a throne.
Seriously. Evil twins, guys. GOATEES.
(PS: John Sheppard is stoned all the time. It's canon.)
So many ficathons I want to do, but there's seriously no time. It's sad, though, because the TWW AU ficathon would be the perfect place to debut my Taming of the Shrew pastiche. Oh, Josh as Katherine and Sam as Bianca. You'll never get old in my head.
But seriously, the amount of busy that I am is kind of freaking me out. I really don't know how to handle it. I'm already getting stress!hives, which, you know, isn't good the first day of February. Usually I can hold off until spring break, at the very least.
Oh man. I should sleep and/or write, but I doubt either of these things will happen tonight!