(no subject)

Dec 22, 2006 11:50

Fucking Dean's List?


This was the worst semester EVER. How the FUCK did I get an A- in the class from HELL? How the HELL did this happen? What the FUCK is going on? Why do I keep swearing in CAPS?

Jesus Christ.

eta: I mean, especially because... that final paper? The ten page one that was supposed to be twelve to fourteen and only hit eleven because I changed the font from 10 to 10.5? The one I wrote the night before it was due and finished with an hour to spare? I didn't even QUOTE THE BOOK in it. At all! I meant to, and then ran out of time! It was the least cohesive thing I've ever written! I basically SLEPT through my final! I know I didn't do well on it, because I STOPPED CARING and STARTED MAKING THINGS UP.

What is EVEN happening here? I think this is some sort of joke!


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