Title: As Long As You Know (file's title)/ I Am Le Tired (
omoikkiri's title)
Groups/Pairings: ABC-Z/HSJ - Hasshi/Takaki, mention of Tottsu/Fujigaya
Rating: PG
Summary: Something (someone, rather, a certain former groupmate) is displeasing Hasshi.
Disclaimer: This work is purely fiction.
Warnings: Slight angst, language.
A/N: This is my pretend fic to celebrate ABC-Z's debut. :D (This was actually written a week ago and totally changed how I look at it. x: lmao.) BUT CONGRATS, EBI. ;o; Flails everywhere. ♥
It was only years of experience that alerted Totsuka to the fact that Hashimoto was truly unhappy. He watched the youngest member of his group as he goofed off with some of the Snowmen, but there was something off in the sharpness of his smile.
“What’s up?” he asked, once Hashimoto returned to the corner where the rest of ABC-Z was huddled and draped.
“Nothing,” Hashimoto shrugged, flinging his long legs out in front of them, but now that the question was asked, he frowned, sending his shoes a grimace.
Totsuka eyed him for a moment, offering him a new bottled water. “Tell me?”
It had been a few years since he’d shuffled into their rehearsal room for the first time, too young, too tall, too Hasshi! that it threw off their rhythm, but things had shifted, changed, and if Totsuka had learned anything, it was that despite all oddities Hashimoto was much more mature and perceptive than he usually let on.
The rest of ABC-Z had quieted, listening intently, which made Hashimoto slump into his seat even more, scowling.
“It’s him,” Hashimoto said finally, throwing his gaze across the room.
They all turned, staring without any pretense of subtlety, at where Hashimoto had indicated.
Takaki Yuya was still in front of the wall of mirrors, alone, muttering to himself as he ran through the choreography of Over, despite everyone being on break and the rest of JUMP nowhere to be seen.
“He looks tired,” Goseki observed, watching Hashimoto more than Takaki.
Kawai shrugged, leaning forward on his knees, more intent. “Mm, heard him saying earlier that he hadn’t slept well.”
This seemed to irk Hashimoto even more, but he’d fallen silent, just watching Takaki, tight-lipped.
Feeling his own lips dip down into a similar frown, Totsuka scooted closer to Hashimoto, as if having similar views of Takaki would help him see what Hashimoto was really seeing.
It was rare for Hashimoto to talk about certain former groupmates, especially this particular one. “Hey?” he prompted gently.
Hashimoto dropped his gaze, shaking his head. “He always used to sleep bad when… you know, back then. It didn’t matter how early we had rehearsals or anything, he was always up at 3 in the morning, wide-awake and just…”
There was more, but Hashimoto seemed at a loss for words, licking at his lips, brooding.
Totsuka wasn’t even sure if there was anything he could say, glancing over at Fujigaya for a moment before looking away again. No, it wasn’t the same. “Go talk to him?”
At first he thought Hashimoto would refuse, waiting for him to shrug his shoulders before dropping the subject, but instead Hashimoto straightened, pulling himself to his feet. “Fine.”
Watching carefully, Totsuka followed as Hashimoto navigated random clumps of Juniors, making his way over to the mirrors.
“It’s so nice when they grow up and solve their own problems,” Goseki sighed.
Takaki wiped the sweat from his forehead, almost sulking at his reflection. There was an eight-beat section of the choreography that he just couldn’t get right, but it was proving more difficult to wrangle without the rest of JUMP to rehearse with.
Heading over to where he’d left his bag, he found a water bottle thrust in his face. Following along, he found Hashimoto holding it out to him, wearing a particularly unsatisfied expression.
“…For me?” Takaki asked finally, unsure due to the dark clouds that seemed to hover behind Hashimoto, but quickly accepted it when Hashimoto nodded, murmuring a small “Thanks.”
“You’re really stupid,” Hashimoto said abruptly, and Takaki paused, water bottle halfway to his mouth.
“Come again?”
Gesturing around them, Hashimoto’s storm seemed to dissipate. “Just… all of this. It’s so dumb, the way you won’t take care of yourself. I can’t…” Hashimoto shook his head, fixing Takaki with a glower. “I can’t compete with you like this, idiot.”
With that, Hashimoto stomped off, returning to the rest of his group. Stunned, Takaki just watched him leave.
“What was that?” Chinen asked, as the rest of JUMP filed back over to their line of bags.
Takaki shook his head, still watching as Hashimoto flung himself onto Goseki’s shoulders. “I’m… not quite sure,” he said finally, but held back a smile. Hashimoto had seemed unusually irate, but Takaki was sure (liked to think that he still knew how to read the other well enough) that underneath the bluster, Hashimoto was just worried for him.