Title: Hidden JUMPers, Christmas Thumpers (Part 2) - Paranoia of a Christmas Shopper.
crazy_otaku911Pairing: Ten!JUMP gen || Bits of Takabu and Yamajima
Rating: PG
Summary: With their new concert tour coming up and concerts on christmas, the boys are all busy trying to make things work as well as can be expected. Some of them just can't think up the right presents though.
Disclaimer: This work is purely fiction.
Warnings: Uhm.
A/N: Beta'd by
hotfruits ♥ Written for
littlemelonblueThe timeline is totally annoying me because OMG, I totally forgot about MSSL, but I think it's still turning out okay... Except some details clash with this one. BUT I WILL CLEAN THAT UP LATER.
Kobayashi = their manager.
Unannounced, Yuto marched into Keito's room and plopped on the bed, blurting out: “I'll tell you who I have for secret santa if you tell me yours.”
Looking up from his guitar in bemusement, Keito regarded his best friend. “Why would I want to do that?”
“Because,” Yuto crossed his arms, fingers drumming out a rhythm on his elbow. “I need help with my secret santa... So I'll help you with yours and you can help me with mine!”
Keito pushed locks of messy hair away from his eyes, laughing. “Yuto, I already know what I'm getting him.”
Yuto almost felt a surge of victory until he realized that he'd learned nothing, as everyone in JUMP was male, even if people used to really, really wonder about Chinen and Inoo. “Come on,” he groaned, flopping backwards. “Tell me so I can tell you!”
Keito shook his head. He already knew exactly what he was going to get Yaotome Hikaru for the gift exchange, he'd taken care of it soon after he'd found out. “You know,” he commented dryly, setting his guitar to the side and nudging at Yuto's knee. “I wouldn't really be able to help you find the perfect gift for Yamada anyways.”
Flailing upright, Yuto stared accusingly at Keito. “How did you know!?”
Keito shrugged lightly. “Who else would it be?”
Yuto drooped a little. “Yeah, I guess that was obvious... Come on, help me... I really need it. I'm running out of time and I still don't know what!”
Keito picked up his guitar again, strumming gently. “Yuto, I'd only be able to think of a gift for him as a friend. You want to get into his pants. That's different.” Yuto's best friend plucked out the tune to a love song.
“I do not want to get into his pants,” Yuto huffed indignantly, cheeks flushing as he stared at his shoes.
Takaki decided that there was a problem with having your boyfriend for a secret exchange.
He'd already gotten Yabu Kouta a gift for Christmas day, but having gotten him for JUMP's secret santa, he felt the pressing need to get him a second gift. He just didn't know what.
He spent his little bits of free time perusing shops (normally with his brother in tow, since they didn't get to spend much time together and Yuma didn't mind helping him out), but he still hadn't come up with anything else to give Yabu.
Soccer related merchandise was out of the question, Takaki firmly sticking to a vow he'd made after one particularly heated argument he had with Yabu about which sport was better: soccer or basketball.
Food was a boring gift in Takaki's opinion.
They didn't have much time though, the concert tour looming over them and it didn't help that Takaki was still smarting about being in Nagoya for Christmas. It was hard to be cheerful about the season when you were so damned busy, you could barely remember what day you were on.
But somehow he'd find that perfect gift.
Chinen was like Keito, long since prepared with all of his gifts, including Inoo's. He felt as if there was something missing though and he wasn't sure what.
It took him several days to figure out what the problem was; nearly crashing into other people on the sidewalk as he froze. “Ah!” He fumbled at his phone, frantically calling the first person that came to mind. Hikaru.
“Hikaruuuuu~!” He sang into the phone as soon as the older boy picked up. “I just realized that we have a gigaaaaaaantic problem. Can I come over for lunch, and we can talk things over, oka~y?” He didn't even give Hikaru a chance to properly respond, already heading in the direction of where Hikaru lived.
Ryutarou was going to go insane. Or at least seriously maim someone.
(Maybe both at the same time.)
He'd thought up and discarded nearly a hundred different ideas of what to get Keito. They just felt dumb and he didn't like dumb presents. It didn't help that Shintarou was continuously raiding his holiday candy stash and taking all of his favorites first.
Little monster.
In despair, Ryutarou called Yuto.
“Trade secret santas with me,” Ryutarou wasn't even asking. He needed to get someone new before Okamoto's enigmatic nature drove him insane. Besides, Yuto was best friends with Keito, it'd work out much better for the both of them.
“What!?” Even Yuto's voice was flailing as he replied to Ryutarou. “No! I can't! Why would I want to do that!?”
“...” There was a long pause and Ryutarou sighed. “Yama-chan, huh?” he asked perceptively, ignoring the squawk of protest. “Fine, fine. I won't ask.” Grumbling to himself, he slid his phone shut.
Maybe he could dismember Shintarou and get the holiday madness over with.
What Ryutarou didn't know was that Shintarou was actually aiding one of his other bandmates. “He's really been worried about his hamster lately, because we've both been so busy,” Shintarou was explaining, nibbling on a sugar cookie. “You know, Sis'll take care of it, but she's got school and stuff too, so it gets lonely.”
Daiki listened intently, thinking about it. “I think I'm going to have to ask your mom...”
“It's okay,” Shintarou told him with a smile. “Mom's okay with it, so long as we keep the cage clean and pay for the food.”
Thinking about it for a few moments, Daiki sighed. “I'll have to think about it.”
“Don't think about it too long,” Shintarou said cannily, finishing off the snack and hopping to his feet. “If you do, I won't be able to help you pick out the right one.”
“I'm not sure if I'd want you to help with that anyways,” Daiki narrowed his eyes at the boy. “Don't think I don't know your tricks, Shin-kun.” If Shintarou managed to wiggle his fingers in to it any more, it'd be more like a Shintarou present, not a Ryutarou present. Totally defeated the purpose.
Shintarou skipped away, pausing to stick his tongue out over his shoulder. “Not all of them, Ari-chan.”
Daiki rolled his eyes, looking down at the coffee he'd ordered. “Maybe I should just buy him a flashlight and a book of scary stories he could use on Shintarou,” He wondered aloud and then immediately thought better of it. They'd likely scare Ryutarou too.
Music Station Super Live was a thrilling whirl of activity and Yabu's smile was plastered all over his face, even as they changed into their normal clothes after the show ended. He was exhausted, of course, but his heart was still beating a little funny from all the adrenaline.
“We leave really early,” Kobayashi-san was saying to the rest of the group (sans Yamada, who was likely making a fool of himself by trying to talk to Kara-san.) “All of you please wake up on time, because we're already on a time crunch as it is, okay?” He said this to all of them, but his eyes were on Takaki, who gulped, already whipping his phone out. Yabu knew he was texting Nakama Junta to set his alarm clock.
(Kitayama-kun may need his ten alarms, but Yabu's boyfriend needed an actual person waking him up in the morning to actually get out of bed most days.)
As they all headed out, he glanced over at them. “All packed and ready?” He asked. They all nodded eagerly. “Everyone has their gifts?” Some nodded eagerly, others slumped, pouted, and even glared. (Why Ryutarou looked so sour, Yabu really did not want to know.)
“Alright!” he clapped his hands, grinning. “See all you bumheads later.”
Takaki's hand slipped into his for a moment, fingers twining. “I really do hope you weren't including me in that.”
Yabu shrugged. “Well, I'm walking you home, aren't I? We say goodbye later. Privately~”
Behind their backs, Daiki and Hikaru started gagging and Inoo started singing horribly off-key: “All I want for Christmas is yoooooo~u!”
A/N: Two parts down, one more to go. :DDD Will try it now instead of later cause there won't be much time tomorrow. D: (Negl, I am so enjoying this fic. XD)