Title: Various
crazy_otaku911Pairing: Akito X Junta, Yabu X Hikaru (friendship), Hikaru X Nikaido (friendship), Tamamori X Reita (crossover twincest), Hayashi X Yamamoto, Nozawa X Takaki, Tamamori X Miyata, Keito X Yamada
Rating: PG for all.
Summary: Varied! (In order of posting) Akito gets a toothache and wants Junta to fix it; Sometimes Yabu needs his best friend more than he thinks; Nika and Hikaru are back with a jazzed up prank; In an alternate reality, Yuuta and Reita are twins and they enjoy that fact. A lot.; Kawai just can't win against Goseki (and Goseki is very popular among small people); Takizawa's plans are always effective and THEY are no exception; What really attracts Takaki and Nozawa is unclear but somehow it's there; Miyata's doesn't mind watching horror flicks, as long as he's with Tamamori; Yamada's love for strawberries is known by all, including Keito.
Disclaimer: This work is purely fiction.
Warnings: Some cheese, some kisses, incest in one.
A/N: Beta'd by
shimizumiki ♥
je100's Halloween Trick or Drabble game. But since they weren't 100 word drabbles, I decided to post them here. ♥
→ Caramel Coating; For
“This is why you don't eat it all in one go,” Junta half scolded, not even looking up from the magazine he was currently reading.
At his side, Akito was flailing this way and that. “Juntaaaa, come on! It huuuuuurts! What if this affects the way I sing tomorrow? What if my teeth fall out? Juntaaa!!” he continued caterwauling until the magazine was dropped.
“Come here, you,” Junta rolled his eyes as he pulled Akito close, kissing him firmly. The kiss lasted for a moment, then two, and then Akito lost count until they both let go, slightly breathless. “Better?” Junta asked quietly, pointedly ignoring Akito's broad smile, knowing that it was exactly what he had wanted in the first place.
“Weeeell,” Akito considered it for a moment, shifting slightly. “I mean, it really does hurt.”
Junta sighed, throwing his hands up in the air as he headed for the exit. “Brush your teeth and see someone about it, I'm not a dentist.”
Trailing after him, Akito picked up his badgering. “But Junta, the first one made it better! Maybe another one? Please!?”
→ Day's End; For
There were times when life drove Yabu insane. No, he didn't want to smile wider, and yes, the shirt he was wearing was hideous, but in the end, he dealt with it anyways because it was what he was supposed to do, and god knew what would happen if he started acting up now.
There were times when his best friend drove him insane. Yes, Inoo's hair looked ridiculous but no, it was not okay to keep on taking jabs at it until there were shouting matches that Yabu would have to wade through and in the end, Hikaru would just laugh and brush it off and then it would be Yabu doing all the yelling.
Really, Yabu wasn't the best leader material at times.
There were times when Yabu was just tired of life and work and people in general. He didn't want to behave, he didn't want to sing this song, and he wasn't exactly thrilled with this shirt either.
But that's when Hikaru would pad over, plop himself down into the spot next to him, and pull Yabu's head down onto his shoulder.
“Don't frown like that,” Hikaru hummed lightly, closing his eyes. “It'll make your forehead wrinkle.
Yabu just smiled, relaxing onto his shoulder.
There were also times when Yabu needed his best friend more than anything.
→ One year forward, six years back; For
“Really, how come we never tried this before?” Nika peered over the toilet bowl, grinning toothily.
“I dunno, but ain't it awesome?” Hikaru smirked, grinning down at the bowl. It looked like a normal, harmless toilet bowl. Looks were, of course, deceptive.
Gelatin was their new best friend.
“Should we just...hang out here and wait though?” Glancing around the bathroom, Nika fidgeted, half prancing with tension. “I mean, seriously, I want to see this.”
Hikaru stepped back out of the stall, glancing at the ones on the left and the right as well. “Well, they should have enough time to set. Why not? We can just be...hanging out in a bathroom. With luck, we'll get a handful of them.”
Which was admittedly strange, but they'd both done stranger things on their own and there was always the good old excuse of catching up with each other.
The wait was long, almost painful, but they passed the time playing hand games (“Hey, that hurt!” Hikaru exclaimed, yanking his smarting hands back.) and swapping tales (“I kid you not, he really did think the hamster was talking to him. I mean, seriously, Tamamori,” Nika rolled his eyes expressively.)
Hikaru's prediction turned out correct when Tamamori and Fujigaya came traipsing in, Takaki in tow. Giving them all vague waves and trying to keep the chatter up and not look guilty was difficult, but somehow they managed as all the stall doors swung closed.
With shared looks of glee, they waited with bated breaths.
“Nikaido, you are fucking dead!!!” Fujigaya shrieked.
“Run. Fast. Now,” Hikaru grabbed Nika's hand and the two of them sped off, trying to run off as fast as they could to hide, to escape, while laughing their heads off.
→ shared breath, shared mind; For
“Reita!” The light smack over the head came as soon as they were alone, Yuuta scowling lightly. “Will you behave?”
His twin, Reita, flicked his hair back into place with a glower of his own. “It fucking bothers me, okay?”
“Ey,” Yuuta rolled his eyes for a moment. “You're the one who wanted to be a host with me~.”
Reita's glare drooped into a pout. “I wanted to be near you...and come on, it's fucking annoying when they hang on you.”
“They hang on you just as much,” Yuuta shot right back at him, cracking a smile, leaning over to nuzzle him, murmuring. “You're lucky they think it's cute when you sulk.”
Reita sighed, looping an arm over Yuuta's shoulders, glancing at his twin before dropping a kiss on his nose. “Not as cute as you~.”
“I don't generally sulk though.”
“Okay, Okay, I'll try, Bossy-Older-Twin-Of-Three-Minutes!” Reita laughed, standing up and holding hand out for Yuuta. Yuta took it, smirking lightly.
“What's wrong with getting what you want?”
Later on, alone in their apartment, lips locked together, Reita couldn't agree more.
→ Small and Mighty (Tiny); For
The small tug on his arm had Kawai looking around...and then down. Way down.
He liked being able to look down on kouhai, really. It was such a rare thing.
Bouncing slightly and giving him a hopeful smile was little Otsuka, one of those Snow Princes that Fujigaya was constantly cooing over. “Ne, Kawai-kun.”
“What's up?” Kawai held up a fist, bumping with Otsuka and grinning right back (down) at him.
“I have a faaaaaaaaaaavor to ask you.” Otsuka rocked on his heels, tilting his head as he held the word out, looking all wide and excited. Kawai was fondly reminded of a squirrel.
“Do tell, do tell~!” Kawai stretched out on Kisumai's couch, patting the spot next to him. “Anyone needs a new hair cut?”
“No, no, not like that...” Otsuka flicked his hair out of his eyes in a calculated gesture that was decidedly Fujigaya-esque. Kawai couldn't help but feel slightly disturbed.
Obviously these young Princes were being overexposed to hair spray.
Otsuka continued on “Well...You're in the same group as Goseki-kun, right?”
Obvious fact. Kawai was also in a group with a ray of sunshine, a giant, and...He wasn't sure what to classify Tottsu as. “Yes?”
“Well...Goseki-kun is really cool!” Otsuka chirped, swinging his feet, head bobbing. “So I was wondering...do you have any... I don't know, advice?” He bit his lip, peeking at Kawai with hope.
“...You want advice on how to charm Gocchi?”
There was a devious glint in Kawai's eye, ever the opportunist to take an indirect stab at Goseki. Innocent bystander kouhai was a new method
“Well now~” He drawled, draping an arm around the small boy. “First thing you gotta know...” He leaned in, giving Otsuka a conspiratorial smile. “When you greet him, rip your shirt off~! It's requirement if you want to be cool like us!”
Otsuka gave him a flat look. “That's weird...And you're not cool like Goseki-kun.”
Kawai opened his mouth in indignation but was interrupted as a shirtless Tsukada appeared in the doorway. “Hey, Ta-- What are you doing here, Kawai?”
Snapping his mouth shut, Kawai huffed at his bandmate. “What am I doing here? What are you doing here? And put your shirt on! You're being indecent in front of the minor!” As if to prove his point, Kawai threw his hands over Otsuka's eyes.
“Oh...Uhm. Sorry.” Tsukada looked around in confusion, no shirt on hand and too good natured to think about ignoring Kawai. “I was looking for Taipi... I figured he'd be here.”
“And what would he be doing here!?” Kawai demanded, still covering Otsuka's eyes despite the small boy's efforts to bat him away.
There was a small silence and Tsukada looked around again. “Well...This is his dressing room,” He indicated the doorway.
“Oh...Well, he's not here,” Kawai nodded decisively and Otsuka finally peeled away his fingers.
“Maa,” An almost frown appeared on Tsukada's face as he nodded. “Ah well, I guess I'll keep on looking. See you guys! Bye, Otsuka-chan~”
“Bye, Tsuka-kun!” the little Snow Prince waved from the couch, bouncing. As Tsukada disappeared, Otsuka turned to Kawai with a grimace. “You're not very helpful, Kawai-kun. I think I'm going to go ask Totsuka-kun!” With that, the small boy scrambled off the couch, following in Tsukada's wake and vanishing out the door.
“Kids,” Kawai huffed, sprawling out on the couch, legs dangling over one of the arms. “They have no respect.”
“Why does that surprise you? You're one of them,” Kitayama breezed in and stared down at him. “Now move, that's my spot.”
→ THEY party like rockstars; For
It had been advertised as a simple game of 'group bonding' by Takizawa and while that should have tipped someone off, Koyama was still dismayed at the amount of (underage) drunken boys running about. Tottsu and Goseki had an unconscious Hasshi sprawled over their collective laps, there were strange and slightly obscene noises coming from Ft2's corner, and Tsubasa had long since given up on Takki's newest pet project, staggering out of sight with a bottle in his hand.
THEY were tucked away in their own corner, occupied well enough with their own stash of booze, produced by Takahashi. The bottles were passed around as they all played a variation of I Never, one that involved either drinking or clothing removal or sometimes both, if you were Yamamoto and got overexcited.
Smirking, Takahashi raised his drink, eyes glinting. “I've never tried to get Yara to sleep over at my house.”
“Hey!” Yamamoto squawked, being even louder than was normal as he half ripped his shirt off. “That's not fair! You cheating little bastard!” He was loud enough that neither noticed that Eda pulled a sock off. Hayashi did, because he was still rather sober and decidedly clothed and he noticed most things. But he didn't point it out.
A drink was passed to him and he looked down at it with a frown. “Bother...” He had already run out of the obvious ones and it almost seemed unfair to specifically target Yamamoto, seeing as Eda and Takahashi had been doing the exact thing the past few rounds.
“I've never--” He began rather bravely and the words just seemed to spill out before he could stop them at all. “kissed a guy.”
There was a moment of (relative) silence as the other three gaped at him.
“That's really, really weird,” Eda announced finally, zeroing in on Hayashi. “How did you manage to survive this place?”
“Right?” Takahashi agreed readily. “I mean, I don't think I lasted a year...”
Yamamoto's hand shot up and he started waving it frantically. After waiting a few moments for him to speak, Eda prompted him. “Yes?”
“Can I!?” Yamamoto looked far too eager, bouncing from where he sat.
Takahashi eyed the two for a moment. “Do you want to, Ryo-chan? I mean... what if his teeth rip your lips up?”
“Fuck off,” Hayashi muttered under his breath, trying to withdraw as a turtle would, but he lacked a shell and was left to half sulk in public. Not that he had very long to sulk before he had a lap full of sparkly, shiny Yamamoto.
“But Sho-chan is cuuuute,” Yamamoto chirped, grinning brightly, arms looped around his shoulders. “Though...” the boy's head tilted precariously. “Your teeth are kinda funky.”
Hayashi spluttered at them all, trying to lean away from Yamamoto in alarm, but he had two seconds before Yamamoto's lips were on his, full and firm. He smelled of alcohol and for a singularly fuzzy moment, Hayashi wondered if you could get second hand intoxication before Yamamoto was gone, lips parting from his own as the boy rolled back into his own spot, nearly braining Eda in the process.
Hayashi touched his lips in a daze, glancing around as if wanting to confirm that it had really happened. “W-what...?”
“We're bandmates, we help each other out!” Yamamoto volunteered cheerfully. “And really...” he tilted his head in though, calming for a few moments, eyes sparking with a sort of clarity that made Hayashi think he was almost sane. “It was kind of cool, knowing I got to be your first.”
“You just want his firs--” Eda started but Takahashi promptly elbowed him before could finish that thought.
Hayashi just turned a bright red. “Thanks,” he muttered.
→ Unlikely Attractions; For
meowsama Whatever had brought them together, it wasn't mutual attraction.
Or rather, it was. But neither one of them were really all that sure about what they found attractive in the other.
“That shirt is horrid, really,” Nozawa barely pulled himself away from the magazine to tell him.
Takaki gave him a poisonous stare before flouncing away.
It wasn't even like they had much in common in likes, dislikes, and hobbies, except perhaps Hasshi, but one could easily run out of stories about him when one realized that he did nearly the same thing over and over again.
Hands on hips, Takaki flicked his hair out of his eyes. “You are too damn tall, okay?”
Nozawa tried his best to glower.
It would probably have been better to try things out with someone they actually saw more often than a handful of times a month, but sometimes things didn't turn out the way they would have preferred.
It didn't stop either of them from meeting on a park bench at 1AM.
“If you don't like him,” Abe asked between bites. “Why are you guys even seeing each other? It's not like you guys meet up that often anyways.”
Nozawa shrugged, ducking his head. “He's...sweet?”
“Goddamn, if you don't like him, then stop seeing him,” Inoo grouched in annoyance, tired of listening to Takaki go on and on.
“But I do...! He's really cute...”
A small scold.
“You knew it'd be cold, why didn't you bring a coat?”
A little pout.
“I forgot... I didn't want to be late.”
A pocket-sized smile.
“You're an idiot.”
A tiny laugh.
“Love you too~.”
→ Traditional Horror; For
hotfruits Tamamori and Miyata had developed their own traditions for the holidays, having spent so many of them together that even their friends were aware of what days either one would be available.
The Halloween season was dressed up with parties, costumes, and copious amounts of sugar, but like clockwork, Tamamori was walking through Miyata's door with a handful of movies and a smile. Miyata had the candy bowl and an equally bright smile.
Curled up together on the couch, with candy wrappers slowly appearing around them, they watched one horror flick after another, deep into the night, silent and breathless, riveted.
Miyata wasn't even sure what titles they were watching, but really, that didn't matter much. He couldn't quite fathom why Tamamori liked watching them so much, seeing as he was already wide-eyed and half terrified at every little sound that drifted through the apartment.
On the other hand, Miyata knew exactly why he liked the night. Because every time Tamamori got scared, every time something startled him, he'd cling to Miyata's arm, hiding his face in his shoulder.
Popping another candy in his mouth, Miyata smiled to himself, despite the girl being decapitated on screen. Let all the horrors of the holiday come tonight, he thought to himself, feeling Tamamori's grip tighten again, a small gasp escaping him.
When the morning came, he'd still have Tamamori curled up in his arms.
→ Childish Fancies; For
“I love Halloween,” Yamada gleefully ripped the sheet off, his simplistic ghost costume sliding to the ground as he dug around the bag of candy.
The rest of his gang traipsed in, also shedding their costumes as they sprawled out on the couches and floor to take stock of their booty, gloating as they reveled in the childlike tradition.
Yuto looked rather put out. Even dressed up as a bunny, he'd gotten so many strange looks for how tall he was. And indeed it seemed that height was inversely proportional to the amount of candy one received. The tiny little elf boy Chinen was loaded.
Yamada was beginning to sort his candy, separating the chocolate from the fruity sweets, etc, when a small pile completely comprised of strawberry flavored candy was deposited in his lap. Keito, a charming cowboy, gave him a small smile, shrugging before returning to his own bag. “I know you like them.”
A slow smile spread over Yamada's face, but Ryutarou was quick to kill the mood, glowering from his feathered duck corner. “You offer to share a lollipop with him and I swear, I will strangle you with that lasso.”
A/N: AHAHAHA... I had fun with some of these. Other ones made me go WTF since I've never written anything like that (and by that, I mean things like Yabuhika, friendship or otherwise) but mm.)