Title: Birthday Boyfriend
Author: Ritsu (
Pairing: Takaki Yuya (Hey!Say!JUMP) X Oh Wonbin (Ex FT Island)
Rating: PG
Summary: Just two birthday boyfriends spending a few quick moments together, because hey, they're legal.
Disclaimer: This work is purely fiction.
Warnings: ...This fails. A lot. I ignore reality. >>
A/N: Unbeta'd. No one knows
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I can educate you, if you want. xD
And thank you for readinnnng~
There isn't a real way to know why Wonbin quit. I don't know. They say it was musical differences but you can never tell if that's true or not.
but it's only because korean names give me a headache! it took me forever to know all of suju's and snsd's names. ^^; lol! hongki's name reminds me of a japanese word. which makes it easier to remember. :)
>.< he looks precious y'know. :) like, really awesome! :)
but i like ft triple! :O
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