Aug 23, 2007 15:12
After an hour of phaffing about with polish and remover I have decided that in future I shall employ fast drying enamel paints when I want glitzy fingers.
I will simply choose a colour, apply and then wait for it all to chip off before choosing the next! Perhaps nail varnish and myself were never meant to co-exist.
Mistake number one: Noticing that for the first time in a long time my nails are half decent and deciding that I wanted to do the girly, decorative thing and paint them.
Mistake two: Rummaging out nail varnish and commencing said girly activity.
Arrghhh...It says dry in 60 seconds.
It lies!!!
It has now been an hour and a half...the varnish is still tacky.
I've had to remove it and start again twice and I'm wandering around with my fingers splayed like claws, terrified of touching anything that might be vaguely fluffy or have distant ancestors who may have, possibly looked at something that might have been fluffy!
After careful consideration my toe nails are staying exactly as they are, otherwise I have images of me doing flipped turtle impressions until well after dark.
Why does this always happen? Dyeing my hair is never this much trouble!
Does anyone else have this problem or am I just an easy target for some sadistic nail polish sprite?
On the upside, various people will be pleased to note that this enforced inability to use my hands properly has made me sit relatively still, although not calmly or patiently for a hefty duration (my perception of time) unable to DO anything! I have however mentally compiled my list of to do's which should keep me going happily for several days. That is if this stuff ever sets.
Another 10 minutes and I'm off to get the acetone!