Dec 22, 2006 18:48
So an early Merry Christmas-or-whatever-holiday you celebrate to everyone on the friend list, or anyone who reads this in general. :D Probably won't be on much til after the holiday since the family is going to be staying here. (cringe!) Though, anyone and everyone feel free to come visit me. It will fo'sho be a rescue and shall be appreciated like woah. :D Because no one wants to spend the holidays listening to their grandmothers tell them how unsuccessful at life they are. Right..? Right? xD I hope.
Anyway. We got a Christmas bonus at work. One free ham. It made me lawl. I dont' eat ham, so I just gave it to my mom. The stuff is so gross. D: But it's the thought that counts, I suppose.
And.. work 7-12 tomorrow. The family will be down at noon. The grandmas will be staying til Christmas day. Then hopefully they'll leave since when they're here I have to sleep on the couch and have no internets. D: teh awful! Awful indeed.
And hm. Got my WoW rogue up to lvl 37. I can't wait til 40. I waaaaaant my mount damnit. D< *fist shake*
People who have presents at my house - come get them.
Oh, and I'm not sick anymore. Thank god XD *crosses fingers*
And all is well in general, I guess.
New years resolution! ... I want to lose twenty pounds. Eating healthier + Exercise ftw. My mom's going to go on a diet with me. Hopefully it'll work out. Plus, I'm getting a pair of rollerskates tomorrow. Call me a geek, which I am, but I freaking love rollerskating xD It's great.
Well.. that's all for now!