Apr 23, 2010 22:14
My dad and I were on the highway and this car tried to merge because they were in that merging lane, but my dad wouldn't let them in at all because he's a fucktard like that. So he refused to give the other guy any opening even up until the last second so they were forced to brake hard and then merge from behind. They were understandably angry so they caught up beside us and started flipping off my dad and he has the shortest temper ever so he cut them and started braking (just to be a super douche).
While he was doing this, another car tried to cut him and I pointed that out to him, "Hey, there's a car on your left!"
To which he replied, "FUCK YOU DON'T TELL ME HOW TO DRIVE!"
So then I guess the path we took home didn't coincide with the people he was pissing off literally left and right, so we were okay for a bit. Then he just starts shouting about how he was in the right and the other cars shouldn't have tried to cut him like that. I couldn't care less about who was right because if you crash, everyone loses. I kept telling him I didn't care what he had to say and how it's not a big deal to just let someone by. He started making personal attacks by calling me stupid and useless and made generally unrelated comments. So when he stopped at a gas station somewhat near my house, I just got out, told him to go die in a fire and walked home.
i have a terrible father