I hate the quizzes that don't at least make you think a little. With questions like "did you eat breakfast this morning" or "can you count to 100?" (seriously, there was a question like that on one of the quizzes I saw). I also have a friend who does a lot of quizzes so I thought it'd be fun for her.
With that in mind, I wrote/compiled this one:
1. If you had to choose, would you rather keep your eyesight or your hands? Explain your reasoning.
2. List your five senses in order of most important to least important (touch, taste, smell, hearing, vision).
3. If you could be any non-imaginary animal, what would you be? Why?
4. If you could KEEP any non-imaginary animal as a pet, what would it be? Why?
5. If you were only allowed to eat one food item for the rest of your life, what would it be?
6. What would you do if you woke up one day and found you had the ability to fly?
7. If you were stranded on a deserted island, what one item that you currently own would you bring along with you?
8. Imagine that you are wandering across a desert and come across a cube. What colour is this cube and how big is it?
9. You are featured in a fighting game. What is your super move called?
10. What would you do if two of your best friends start dating and slowly began to ignore you?
11. How would you feel if you went to work/school and everyone was dressed like you?
12. What would the url to your personal website be?
13. Write three short stories using 6 words each. For example: "For sale: Baby shoes, never worn."
You have to condense an entire story into 6 words. If you look at the example, "For sale: baby shoes, never used." You can tell something happened, whether it be an abortion or perhaps the death of the mother or something equally terrible. There are characters, there is a plot (although not explictly revealed in the example) and there's a conclusion.
14. What would you name your first son? What about your first daughter?
15. If you could program a small robot to do one simple task, what would it be?
16. You find a cup with the ability to produce an unlimited quantity of any substance. What substance would you want?
17. What do you think lies beyond the edge of the universe and space itself?
18. If you had the authority to pass a single law that would apply to the entire world, what would you decree?
19. What story most closely parallels your life? Explain your reasoning.
20. What would you do if one of your closest friends fell into a coma?
21. What is love? (baby don't hurt me...) ok no srsly, what is your definition of love?
22. Public washroom. No toilet paper. What would you do?
23. What was the hardest question to answer in this quiz?