Alburt, a programming student at Netopia University, had an assignment one day to create a navi. Instead of using the navi template as a base and modifying it like the other students, Alburt felt he could create the navi from scratch. However, he wasn't a very good programmer to begin with and ended up making the navi who would later become known as Failureman. The navi was poorly written: Full of unnecessary code, variables and functions that were never called and loads of malfunctioning subroutines. For some reason though, despite all the errors, the navi still compiled and functioned... Barely.
The professor, upon seeing the navi Alburt had created, gave him a failing grade on the assignment. He said it was the worst excuse for a navi he had ever seen and demanded that Alburt delete the navi immediately. Alburt protested and believed that his navi could truly become great given enough time and effort and went against the professor's wishes. All the while, Failureman was running in the background watching as his creator fought for his right to exist. He was speechless and vowed to always follow Alburt no matter what.
Alburt brought him home and fixed him up with various patches to keep him from falling apart. Since Alburt had been so concerned with only the programming aspect of his navi, he didn't think about naming him so he named him Failureman due to the failing grade he was given. Failureman doesn't see the name as an insult but more as a reminder that despite what he is, he still has a great operator and friend in Alburt.
He's covered in bandages because those are the patches that hold him together. He's much less healthy than a normal navi since he's not written 'properly' but with all the excess code that he has, a lot of his body is actually useless so there's a high chance that only a percentage of actual damage goes to important systems. Coincidentally this all works out to Failureman having normal HP.
His left arm ends in a series of short bandage-like fingers. He can control them like fingers and they have enough strength to grip and hold things like a normal hand but they can bend in any direction like a sheet of cloth.
He also stutters/repeats the first syllable of every sentence he says. It's some bug in his speech program Alburt hasn't gotten around to fixing. Since it's not anything major, Alburt doesn't plan on fixing it anytime soon.
The two bandages protruding from his back are unfinished wings. Alburt originally wanted his navi to look like an angel with wings and a halo, but his programming skills were so bad he had to concentrate on making the program run before even thinking about making any aesthetic adjustments. Failureman has some control over them (he can flap them) but they are useless in their current state. They flap very gently on their own but mainly stay in the shape shown in the picture. He feels no pain if they become damaged.
Final Battle
The brilliant flash that followed caused the entire audience of scientists and researchers to avert their eyes. The lone navi had jumped onto the giant's back in the confusion and anchored itself to a ridge on its back. As the monster roared and swung its massive body trying to dislodge its unwelcome passenger, the navi pierced the hard carapace with one arm and began to pour himself into fresh wound.
One of the scientists asked, "What is that navi doing?"
"He's doing what he does best," Alburt replied, "He's failing."
The roaring of the monster began to die down as the navi's body appeared to deflate. The shell of bandages that covered it came loose and its shoulder pads dislodged. The navi stared into the camera of the PET and said in a weak voice, "Good- Good-bye Alburt and thank you..."
In a matter of moments, all that was left of the navi was a pile of bandages and metal plates. Alburt stared at the screen watching the beast breathe its final breaths and finally collapse. Bits of its data broke up slowly starting with its nose and head followed by it's paws and legs. A giant explosion signified the end of the cybeast and of a brave navi.