Jul 17, 2007 00:30
They are marks left behind by a deep cut, I'm sure you've all got at least one. They are there to make sure we never forget, to help us learn from past experiences, to get chicks to dig you, to make men think you are a bad ass. They hurt when you look at or think about them, or when something irritates them. Why, even the amazing Daniel Radcliff has one on his forehead and burns incredibly when (inssert actor who plays Voldemort here) touches his perfect body. They come in all shapes, sizes, levels of severity, and areas. Definitely though, the most long lasting, painful, inspiring, just all around most everything of all scars, would have to be the ones on our hearts. Capable of taking you from one moment of blissful gaity, to crushing depression without any warning or provocation. Able to inspire you to rediscover what your heart was like before the cut was made. The pain might not ever heal, but the plus side to this, the memories will never fade. Whether they be good or bad, I am thankful for those memories, and I will wear my scar proud to signify to myself how strong a person I truly am. Remember everyone, within any darkness, no matter how deep, there is always a little light, all you have to do is look for it. Rely on the light, depend on it, trust me, the only way you can truly be sad, the only way you can be beaten is if you lose your light.