So, yesterday I posted at another community about having limited space for an altar in my college bedroom. I got many great suggestions from everyone and I decided to try my hand at a pocket shrine. Since the rosary and Our Lady are very important to me, I made that my theme.
I started out with a little jar that I had bought at a local folk art store here in town. I found a bookmark that had been made for me as part of an Agape gift pack, when I went on a spiritual retreat. It has a tiny silver cross, and on the other end, a large handpainted bead that to me is representative of the world.
On the inside of the lid, I placed a bit of blue scrapbook paper, since blue is Mary's color. I had a miraculous medal that has been blessed, so I placed it on top of the paper. I wish it didn't have the necklace hook at the top, but I didn't want to ruin it, of course.
You can see from the 2nd picture that there is some cloth inside. I used it to wrap my rosary up in a little package.
The rosary was blessed by my local priest when I my returned to college, so it has special meaning to me. The cloth has the sun, moon, and stars on it, representative of "A woman clothed with the sun, with a crown of twelve stars, and the moon at her feet." Also, *grin* the cloth is from my favorite comforting pair of pajama pants, which got so worn as to be unwearable. Haha!
And there you have it. The jar, the rosary, and the little "altar cloth."
Just a wee little shrine, not too crafty or original, but it works for me. :D
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