Apr 26, 2008 21:54
What an amazing week this has been!
GSA conference was awsome. At first I was bummed that I wasn't actually presenting for the outreach. I mean I have only been giving the demo's for three years I think I should have been able to present on them, plus the whole reason I paid to go to the conference was to present (even though the department and GTU are paying everyone back they could have spent the money one something else). But I made up for it by going to see lots of speakers and posters and the like. It ended up being fun. The keynote speaker was really good, and I have lots of teacher experiments to use now too! I got to meet the NAGT president too! YAY!
Then today at the awards ceromony I got quite the suprise too! I am not gonna lie, I was really mad when I found out that I hadn't gotten any recgonition for all the work I did this year. Especially since I saved John a bunch of times. But after they had given all of the awards out Dr. Baharlou came to talk to me! I didn't know what to do! I was like why is he asking to talk to me?!?! But he said he asked John to recommend an outstanding student to him so that he could give them a private award, and John said me!!! He said I have oustanding academics, personality and have played leadership roles in student organizations, and was generous with my time in assisting students academically. I almost started crying right there. That was all I wanted was for someone to say "hey! look at all the stuff you did!!!", but he went above and beyond by providing me with this awsome award. Since I got the Dewey Amos award last year and Baharlou gave me one this year, and John recommended me I feel really honored because they are the three chairs of my department.
I am speechless