(no subject)

Nov 15, 2009 20:32

Its quiet here with Amber sleeping. I am in one of those weird moods. The ultrasound tech said little girl, so my new one is going to be named Isis Marie. I hope that all is going well with her brewing processes. My doctor doesn't really share alot just kinda says looks good and that should be enough. I tend to want more information but with Amber I think maybe I had too much information so I am just going with the flow.

I think Amber is finally not missing doug every waking moment and I am doing the same. He calls and asks about doctor appointments and the like but doesn't really say much that is new. I hear alot of i'm sorry and won't you reconsider, but I'm not so sure about all that either. We have talked and I have seen him, there isn't anything rude or drama ridden going on. I guess that is one thing to be grateful for.

This post is realy going no where so I think i will end it. Kinda like my mood just blah blah blah it goes in my world today.
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