permissions meme

Oct 11, 2010 18:00

What species is your character? Human.

Would other characters be able to sense your character's species? I don't see why not.

Is there anything strange in your character's blood, DNA, etc that other characters might be able to sense? Nope.

What does your character's soul look like? Bright purple and bite-sized, with the texture of a hedgehog's back.

Is it possible to read anything from your character's soul? ...Like what? She's a little girl who can and will kick your ass.

What color is your character's soul? See above.

Does your character have an ability that others might be able to sense? If by "ability" you mean "knows kung-fu," then sure. If you're talking fancy magic powers and shit, no. She just has a lot of toys.

Is your character surrounded by something else that might somehow 'stick'? The ability of another character they spend a lot of time with, for instance. Or they might just work at a bakery. Murderers might smell of blood. Etc. Please clarify the extent which they are surrounded by this smell. She smells a bit like blood regardless of how often she showers, as well as the gunpowder and various metal weapons that are on her person at most times.

Can your characters thoughts be read? Only surface thoughts? Are characters free to dig into tragic pasts and hidden secrets? Or will they only know what they are thinking at the exact moment their thoughts are being read? The short answer is: probably. If this is a will-save kind of telepathy, though, she'd put up a decent fight. She's inexperienced, but she's scrappy and very determined.

Is it possible to communicate with your character through telepathy? Don't expect her to talk back, but feel free to try.

Is it possible to see what your character is doing through psychic powers? Sure.

Is it possible to sense your character's location somehow? If that's someone's ability, yeah.

Is it possible to sense your character's emotions? Intentions? Different from mind-reading, this only gives the character a vague idea of what your character is feeling, and whether or not their intentions are good or bad. I doubt you'll need mind-reading to tell how Mindy feels about anything, but feel free to use it anyway.

Does your character have any mental walls or defenses up? What are they like? Is there a fifty foot giant with a flaming sword fighting off intruders, is it a maze of corridors and doors, or is it just a regular wall? Is it possible to get past these defenses? Nothing she consciously put up, no. If it becomes a problem, though, that might change.

Can your character be mind-controlled? How effective would it be? Would it last? Would they fight it off easily? It depends on the situation, really. Mindy has a very strong will, but she's never encountered any kind of ~*magic*~ before, and if she's caught off-guard she could probably be overpowered with relative ease. That won't happen more than once, though.

How do you feel about 4th wall breaking? Yes.

Is there something specific that you don't want anyone to know about your character? Nope! Keep in mind, though, that Mindy's from movie-canon, not the comic books. There are only a few differences, but they're pretty crucial. Talk to me if you're not sure about something.

How do you feel about threadjacking? Is it okay for people to jump into the middle of a conversation in your journal? Totally fine, feel free.

What about spamming your posts? IC-ly, obviously, but your inbox still suffers if someone has endless conversations with each other in your entries. I won't mind, but don't expect Mindy to sit there and take it.

How about sudden action threads? You post an entry, and a character starts an [action] thread, apparently knowing where your character is somehow, or just randomly bumping into them. In some cases it might be realistic (if they're roommates, for instance), but should they ask first? This is another case-by-case situation. If Mindy's just wandering around out in the open, anyone's welcome to accost her (though I can't promise she'll be pleasant). If she's sneaking around in the shadows, however, I'd prefer if you talk to me before having your character spot her easily, unless they've got some kind of superpower that allows them to do so.


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