Oct 30, 2014 03:26
So, I've been thinking hard, struggling to make a difficult decision. I've been needing to move away from my current housing situation for a long time now, but there have been very few options in this area that would work for me, because of the intersection of financial, legal, and psychological reasons. But by coincidence, just recently two different new possibilities have surfaced, both of which seem to be good enough to meet my needs. After all this time with nearly nothing, suddenly two at once! The kicker was that one of them would require me to make a decision within 48 hours, and there are many variables involved, some of which I wouldn't have the chance to learn about properly until after I made a commitment (if I chose that one). It was stressful. For 48 hours I swung back and forth between the two places and invented various reasons why each of them would probably turn out to be a mistake. And finally I picked one.
Crap, I'm gonna have to finish this entry later. I'm realizing I really am exhausted. I think the news is good, and I think I'll be able to say more about it soon.