I honestly had no intentions of going on a vacation this year, with the exception of visiting Eric's parents in Florida which fell through anyway. Then somehow I ended up deciding to go back to Cancun in May, with my moms, to meet my cousin from El Salvador. My cousin apparently really wants to meet me (and I'd like to meet her too), but couldn't afford to actually come up here, so we all decided to meet in the middle. At the last minute, she ended up getting a promotion at work and wasn't able to get the time off.
I could have just called it Fate and saved my money, but instead we changed our plans: We're going to Cuba. Both my mothers, and my sister, have already gone to visit our family; it's my turn. :D We're going to spend about a week there. I hope to visit the Hemingway house, (Squeeee!) and
Cayo Coco.
In other news, I finally got Eevee spayed. I had been procrastinating, though there was no real fear of her getting pregnant (she holds her own against horny males I've learned). Ideally I should have tried to get a voucher or search for a discount clinic. It was in my short term plans, but she ended up going into heat this week -WHICH IS FUCKING GROSS- so I just cut my losses and took her. I did at least call around near by vets looking for the cheapest. Most of them were quoting my upwards of around $300 including mandatory exams, blood work, and some even charged to anesthetize (which I would have expected would be part of the initial cost, but they explained it as though you could opt out of that which is heartless as shit omg).
The cheapest was The Ambassador on Beverly. Mondays and Wednesdays are discount days for spaying and neutering, $25 cheaper, but they were booked for weeks and the whole point was to prevent Drippy McGhee from ruining another set of bed sheets so I took her on a Tuesday. Ambassador quoted me $150 for a dog her size, what they failed to mention was that they also charge for mandatory exams, blood work, etc. I paid it all anyway, but would have preferred they be upfront with me on the phone. Eevee is now wearing the cone of shame and it's been kind of hysterical because she can no longer fit in her normal hiding spots, though she still tries. Also, she threw up in the cone last night, I can't bathe her until her stitches come out, so I bought some doggy bath wipe things. They don't work well. I cleaned and washed her face and cone with water and then wiped her down with the wipes, but the smell lingers.