Oct 08, 2006 18:11
Well, things are looking fairly well! So far, I actually have an A in a quasi-science related course: Criminal Justice! I'm excited, definitely. I have a B+ in Linguistics, which I've been told is a fairly hard course, especially the first time around. Then again, I tend to be the opposite of quite a lot of people so it's only fair and right that I wind up taking the harder course in English and doing well, isn't it? Ha.
I do need ideas for exercise though. Walks are good, but I can only do those every so often in the evening especially since I have evening classes more often than not. Oh, and to anyone who's interested, my mom seemed to have been guilty over the fact that she couldn't come up to the game this weekend and handed us a whole fridge full, freezer full and cupboards full of food. Yeah, almost too much to go through in one week! So we could definitely use some help in finishing it all off. Kiersten and I were thinking of maybe a dinner night, hopefully Tuesday since I have evening classes Monday and Wednesday. Not sure how everyone else's schedule works out!
Although, I do have to say that Grand Valley is amazing, despite what the Division I schools have to say. Our marching band rocks hard core, simply because we have students coming to see us who are skipping other things just because they want to watch us perform. And need I congratulate the football team on yet another win, leaving us with the longest running active winning streak in all of college football? Go LAKERS!