Aug 21, 2008 18:54

I inadvertently signed up for a love meme. I swear. I was just commenting to hear why wendy loved me. I AM AGAINST LOVE MEMES. Except this one made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Dammit.

You know what else made me feel warm and fuzzy?

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THESE BOYS MAKE ME HAPPY, you guys. And I've had a really shitty couple of weeks, but these boys, even when it's totally staged for the camera? I ADORE THEM.

Have some recs:

Cartography For Beginners by light_up: J2, 4500 words. So soft and intimate and just really, really wonderful. SIGH.

But you’re so busy changing the world (just one smile and you could change all of mine) by jonny-vrm: Sam/Dean. Adult. Gorgeous and achy.

Seven Tastes by rejeneration: Sam/Dean, Hard R. Short, but very powerful.

Five Things Sam Wishes He Didn't Know About Himself by missyjack. Poignant and honest and achy. Just gorgeous. Apparently MJ can break my heart as easily as she can make me laugh.

thehighwaywoman's J2 AUs of Scrubs. HILARIOUS and HOT new 'verse, that happens to be a REMAKE of Scrubs. So good.

Finally Home by nomelon: J2. Shooting starts up again, and Jensen comes home. Lovely.

Five Times Jensen Lies (And One Time He Doesn't) by villiageidiot. More of those lovely, very honest Five Times fics.

Get Used to It by fourteencandles: Vince/Eric. A continuation of her Here's Us Together 'verse, which I LOVE. This is so freaking happy. Just. DAMN.


I am really, really, really in the mood for coming out fics. Anyone have any recs?


Finally, a random rec: Sir Ken Robinson talks about creativity and education. Funny and smart. If you have a free 15 minutes and are interested in education at all, check it out. ( Thanks to larienelengasse for the heads up on this.)

ALSO. I forgot! My thesis was FINALLY officially published online today. It is now up for public consumption. Poor, poor public.

recs:rpf, recs:entourage, recs:supernatural, fic recs

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