ETA: Okay, so are people aware that JDM and Mary Louise Parker broke up?
*sigh* There was a time in my life when the personal lives of celebrities meant almost nothing to me.
there was fic last night. I rarely talk about my own writing, but I'm awfully proud of this story, so, I'm gonna babble for a just a moment.
It ended up far more melancholic than what I set out to write, but I do really like the way it turned out. Mostly, I think some of my issues lately sort of bled into how Jared was feeling, plus I've been listening to the Pernice Brothers on repeat for a couple of weeks now. You can particularly hear the influence of
Number Two and
Water Ban, and of course the song that inspired the title:
How To Live Alone. (I would say download those and then read the story, but that might be overkill. But still, download them, because they are awesome.) Also, those pictures of Jared in his trench coat making the rounds a few weeks ago, and how Serious he looked in them - those were probably responsible for part of it.
I can only really think of one other story I've written that was influenced so obviously by music - Solace, in HP fandom, where I killed a main character and played Sara McLachlan's Surfacing over and over and over.
I have two layers when it comes to writing fic: easy and hard. "Pierce It," for example, was really easy, written in a matter of hours, and while I like it fine for what it is (essentially a PWP), it doesn't hold the place in my heart that difficult stories hold. A story like "Talking in Code" (HP fandom, Ron/Pansy) was so difficult for me to write, because there was a specific journey I wanted the protagonist (Pansy, in that case) to take. "How (Not) To Live Alone" was hard for me to write, too, I think because I kept trying to make it fluffier than it wanted to be, though the structure and pacing were what really created problems. I have draft after draft of this story with scenes that didn't make it in, and with longer versions of the scenes that did. One of the drafts put the flashbacks in backwards order, and while I really liked that structure, it put the airport kissing scene too soon. Though, that scene still feels a little anti-climactic to me. I have one picture in my mind - half written - of Jared and Jensen sitting outside by Jensen's kidney-bean shaped pool, getting high under the stars, and then Jensen shaves Jared's beard. It just...didn't really go. But I love thinking about it.
But the point is that these stories, where I have to really work at it, tease the story out and revise revise revise, these stories are my favorite. They tend to end up being very self indulgent, but hold special places in my heart.
Someday, I'm going to write a J2 story that's not just snippets out of their lives, and that was actually what I wanted to do here, but it wasn't to be. Maybe someday I'll even write a story that's not total domestic schmoop, where the boys keep accidentally living together. Though I'm sure I have at least one more of those in me. It's pretty clear I have some kinks that are entirely not sex related, such as my weird love of domestic fic, and of Chad being the voice of reason, and of Sandy always getting it before Jared. One reviewer called the story dignified and I think that's exactly what I was going for. I like bouncy SPARKLY BALLOONS Jared as much as the next girl, but I always feel that he's so much more... layered than many in fandom give him credit for, kinda like Chad.
Also, I was playing around with that haiku generator and got this haiku for the fic. I don't know why, but I love it.
twenty nine and had
spent the last time you kissed
me you ignored
And now,
Man's Best Friend by
belyste. Adult. 18,000 words of Jensen as some sort of toy poodle. HEEEEEEE.
Roads Well Traveled by
indysaur. Man, this is almost too perfect. So much left unsaid, so quiet and understated and sharp and fragile. 10,000 of J2 AU where it feels like nothing happens, except so much does, and they have all this history and this complicated, messy relationship and there's this awesome analogy going on with a garden and an apple!!! God, I love this. *rolls around in fic*
Like a Glass Half Empty by
dark_reaction. Adult, J2 AU where they're in a band, and total music snobs, and Jensen has Issues and threatens his own life on many occasions. This should be total crack, except it's way too awesome for that.
Running Scared by
titti. Jensen/Chad. A sequel to her
abouttwoboys fic, though I don't think you have to have read that to read this. A really sympathetic portrayal of Chad, and nice, realistic characterizations of all the boys.
Harder They Come by
eviltish. Jared/Sandy. Adult. Jared, in this fic, is very very awesome. Bella allows her characters to live flawed existences, and it's lovely.
Give The Lie by
dreamlittleyo. Adult. Sam/Dean amnesia fic, which is a particular kink of mine. Love it!
Harvest by
astolat. Sam/Dean. Lovely and quiet.
Rubaiyat by
thehighwaywoman. Hot, beautiful Sam/Dean.
A Peacefulness Follows by
lazy_daze. Poetic and quiet.
Those Weasley Boys and Their Porn by
femmenerd. A quick little story about mutual wanking between Harry and Ron that still manages to stay totally canon.
In From the Cold by
r_becca. Harry/Ginny, quick and sweet, with my favorite Ginny, temperamental and stubborn!