Blurry eye

Jun 26, 2006 08:28

(Blah, I must not have gotten all the sleep out of my eye... cuz its partly blurry right now.)

Saturday was spent on WoW. The couch was delivered at 2:00. Its as nice and soft as I remembered it. It's so big and comfy. I love it, although I haven't spent long on it. We sat and watched the first episode of Shinigami no Ballad on it before resuming our WoW-ing. I had dinner with Suzanne, Mack and Sarah. It was great seeing everyone. We ended up hanging out there for three hours. We decided to meet again July 29th. After dinner, I ended up in a pug MC group and then a buddy invited me and Rabi to join their guild run in AQ 20. We couldn't take down the first boss but it was fun seeing a little bit of that instance. We didn't get to bed until 4:00 because of how late we joined that group and how many times we wiped.

Sunday was all WoW, all day. We ran Strat with Sarah and then immediately went to ZG. We had no problem with snake boss. Bat boss went down pretty well, too. Spider boss whooped our ass. We just can't seem to take her down. I got a cloak out of the run. Nothing exciting... but it looks nice with my current gear. We tried getting a group running to get me more gear upgrades... but we can't ever get one going. I have the worst luck with pugs. I'll be so happy when I have all the major gear pieces I want out of the 5 man instances.

dinner, couch, wow

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