Aug 15, 2007 11:04
I didn't expect the task I had left for this morning to work on to be type-setting a mammogram sheet and thus have to redraw the boob diagrams at the bottom of the page. I admit, I was a bit embarrassed and was waiting for one of the old ladies around me to make some comment. I guess I get these random curve ball projects to keep me on my toes. Can't be doing boring bank forms EVERY day. -_-
It's really disappointing to spend long hours over the stove and not produce anything to eat. I spent a lot of time Monday working on the friendly plastic and wonderflex. There are a few set backs... I need to work my butt off to make up for them. I hope things aren't what I fear. (Cursed wonderflex stretching while I was mashing friendly plastic on it.)
Yesterday, Lydia came over and we chatted it up. After showing her some stuff from WoW (she mentioned getting her brother hooked) I have to say, ZG is still the instance I remember fondest... funny, as we spent so many months in there, not progressing.
Adam and his friend David also stopped by. It's odd that he goes out of his way for the occasional hang out time every once and a while. (Well, technically he was waiting to go somewhere else but he could have easily spent the hour+ at another friend's house.)