You took the words right out of my mouth

Jan 17, 2006 16:44

I've had Meatloaf stuck in my head for two days now. It hasn't gotten any easier to digest.

I'm almost all packed-or at least that's what i tell my parents. I've got a lot of shit to sort through if i don't want to bring as much stuff up this time as i did in the beginning of the year. It's going to be fucking awesome to finally be back at the dorms. No more chores. No more curfew. No more father going crazy.This morning i woke up to my father freaking out because he couldn't find his car keys. His voice echoed throughout the house and his eyes popped out of his head cartoon wolf style. Incredible, really.. When he left i heard my mother say "I'm not a bad wife, i'm not. I just wish he'd have a stroke already."

This semester i plan to study hard enough to get all B's and try to keep my mouth shut once in a while. I think i'm just to forthright with some people who can't handle the truth. I grew up with three brothers and two boy cousins. I'm not so good at talking behind people's backs. I kind of like to throw shit out there and then observe how other's react and based on their reaction i can tell what kind of person they are. That's how i've made my best friends and worst enimies. Fuck if i'm gonna change that shit now, not after i finally got a hold of things.

Back to the drawing board....

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