I'll start drinking like the way i drank before

Jan 01, 2006 16:56

This was the first new years i spent with a group of friends.


It was insanely awesome and i love them all.

Happy New Year's everyone. With luck, 2006 won't be anything like 2005.

I plan to get better at guitar, write the script to this new movie we're making, smoke A LOT less pot (maybe once a week), hopefully cut back on cigarettes, diet a little bit better, and try to stop pleasing everyone else, stop stressing myself out, hopefully finding that 'flow' thing i hear about so much and 'go' with it. Lame, i know. No plans to be less pessimistic but plans to accept the 'light' once in a while. Oh, and no more talking about music. I'm tired of getting bashed for listening to Bright Eyes. Contrary to popular belief, that kind of music is only PERCIEVED to make you want to slit your wrists, but it actually doesn't. We've been conformed into thinking talking about lost loves and absent gods is wrong and depressing but it's just a part of life. He's got some beautiful songs about hope and love and i think if you're going to rank on him you should hear both sides of his soul. That's just my opinion at least, and i won't be trying to explain that to anyone verbally. Music brings us together but it also causes fucking WARS.

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