
May 07, 2009 11:44

A couple of weeks ago I saw another doctor, who took another x-ray of my foot. It was finally 99% healed (it looked as if it had a little chip on one of the fracture edges), and I got the all-cleared for the fracture. I have no elasticity or muscle strength to speak of, and my legs are visibly different sizes, but the bone is good.

I had my first physio appointment yesterday, and even managed to shock the guy with how long my fracture had taken (about 5 months from fracture to all-cleared), so I'll probably be seeing him for quite a while. I have some exercises to do at home to build strength and elasticity, and the current goal is to ditch the crutch within 2 weeks, and the boot soon after that.

I might be able to walk properly again soon!


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