(no subject)

Sep 25, 2005 19:13

10 Favorites...
Favorite Color: i always have trouble picking a favorite, but probably black. or dark blue
Favorite Food: fuck if i know.
Favorite Band/Artist: at the moment? system of a down. but AC/DC always holds a guarenteed second place at least
Favorite Movie: guys and dolls
Favorite Sport to play: none
Favorite Sport to watch: any sport as long as hott guys/girls are playing it
Favorite Season: winter. rain!
Favorite Day Of the Week: friday of course
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: depends on what im in the mood for
Favorite Time of Day: late at night

9 Currents...
Current Mood: bored and kinda down
Current Taste: cheese popcorn
Current Clothes: "jesus is coming; look busy" shirt, tie-down jeans
Current Computer: mine
Current Finger/Toenail Color: uh...normal
Current Time: 7:18 P.M.
Current Surroundings: my room
Current Annoyance(s): homework, slooooow computers
Current Thought: ive got "creatures" by 311 stuck in my head

8 Firsts...
First Best Friend: chloe, i think...or ruvani...or emma...someone from preschool
First Love: lol todd i think
First Screen Name: artsyteen (oh yeah, i was cool)
First Pet: suzie and esther, cats
First Piercing: my ears. theyre gone now :(
First Crush: hahahaha jeff hester hahahaha
First Music: what? uh idn raffi?
First Car: none yet. i dont even have my permit

7 Last.....
Last Cigarette: dont smoke, whore
Last Drink: Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper. it has so many different flavors, it has no taste
Last Car Ride: uh back from the drew carey show last night :D
Last Text Message: from andrew asking how the party is going
Last Movie Seen: guys and dolls
Last Phone call: to jules talking about picking her up for the show
Last CD Played: "bullmoose afterparty" by speechwriters llc

6 Have You Ever....
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: i only date guys who i consider my best friends
Have You Ever Broken the Law: pfft. yes
Have You Ever Been Arrested: no
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: yes. hella fun
Have You Ever Been on TV: no....not yet....
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: haha...yeah...im a slut

5 Things....
You're Wearing: shit uh t-shirt, bra, pants, underpants, uh...no fifth. i feel so naked....
You Did Last Night: picked up jules, went out to dinner, saw drew carey's improv crew LIVE, finished guys and dolls with jules, stayed up late talking
Things You Can Hear Right Now: crickets, my dad in the kitchen, my typing, my computer whirring, the news on the radio
You Can't Live Without: music, my friends, my family, books, caffine
You Do When You're Bored: listen to music, fuck around online, read, walk to encinal, occasionally watch tv

4 Things....
Places You've Been To: florence, cinque terra, shenghai, xi'an

3 Things....
People You Can Tell Anything To: jules, brook, chloe

2 Choices...
Black or White: black
Hot or Cold: cold

1 Person You'd Do Anything For: crap i couldnt say. for what reason is yours to interpret
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