(no subject)

Sep 05, 2005 19:06

ok im doing this again because its really fun

Click here.
Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Would you wrestle h3adxbang3r in jello? lol yes that would be hella fun. altho wrestling's more daniels thing
2) Would cndy_apple_red be a better ninja or pirate? total pirate
3) What flavor of jello would h3adxbang3r be? whats with david and jello?? but idn, if we're wrestling in it im sure he wont care
4) How many monkeys could pooterbooch fight at once and win against? why would she fight them? she would make them her minions!
5) Have you ever dated h3adxbang3r? yeah...boy this things good at picking uncomfortable subjects
6) What color should nevermind0990 dye their hair? NOOO! i think hes the only person id say this about but he should not dye his hair
7) What is cndy_apple_red's favorite band/artist? the bravery? *guess*
8) Is nevermind0990 popular? yes, but dont ask him cause he'll deny it
9) Is swissarmyrmnce an emo? ahahaha yes, but she'll deny it too
10) Does swissarmyrmnce travel a lot? idn, she goes to a lot of summer camps...?
11) What is isuckatlife5's shoe size? i dont know these things!
12) How long would h3adxbang3r dating isuckatlife5 last? o wow about negative 5 minutes
13) If underwell and pooterbooch were spliced together, what would be its name? still kathy, but spelled Quathe
14) Does nevermind0990 smoke? smoke what?
15) Would you set up dirk77 and swissarmyrmnce? no. i doubt either would be interested
16) Would dirk77 and pooterbooch make a good couple? no, but an interesting one definitely
17) What video game does swissarmyrmnce remind you of? uh...tekken?
18) dirk77's eye color? like, hazel-y
19) Is isuckatlife5 a high school student? yup. all my lj friends are
20) What word best describes pinktommygun? sexified, or comment-whore
21) Does juliarose90 have a dog? no
22) One quality you find attractive in h3adxbang3r? o man heres a hard one.... he has some sexy eyes
23) Does nevermind0990 have a crush on underwell? secretly? i think so
24) Where was pooterbooch born? crap no idea
25) Do you have swissarmyrmnce's screenname? yeah
26) Is nevermind0990 single? no, damn hes got too many women on him
27) Is swissarmyrmnce related to you? no
28) Would dirk77 and whycanteye look good together? ok lets lay this one down: andy is gay, these pairings would not work
29) What would cndy_apple_red think of pooterbooch? i bet shed love her
30) Is pooterbooch introverted or extroverted? way extroverted
31) How would dirk77 conquer the world? with drugs. did you know hitler used speed? i bet andy could finish the job with weed
32) What animal should dirk77 be combined with? a fox or a cat
33) Does pooterbooch drink? oh man, yes
34) What is cndy_apple_red's favorite color? black? once again, *guess*
35) Are dirk77 and whycanteye going out? ok wtf WE'VE BEEN OVER THIS
36) What song/movie would you recommend to dirk77? "i believe in a thing called love," even tho he kinda introduced it to me
37) If pinktommygun and h3adxbang3r were siamese twins, where would they be joined? well, if david had his way, probably the crotch. even though thatd be kinda incestually nasty
38) underwell's hair color? blonde, but i think shed look awesome with red tips or purple streaks
39) Where was my_tragic_hero born? uh, idn, around here somewhere
40) If isuckatlife5 were hanging off a cliff, what would juliarose90 do? rescue her!
41) If pooterbooch and underwell were spliced together, what would it be like? pretty weird
42) If pinktommygun took over the world, who would be happy? myspace whores, cause she'd probably make some kinda law about mandatory commenting
43) Which of your friends should swissarmyrmnce go out with? you asked this last time, i said this guy she doesnt know, i leave it at that
44) Does swissarmyrmnce do drugs? idn, ive never asked
45) If h3adxbang3r had a superpower, what would it be? firepower. or the ability to have sex with music...or with fire. something like that
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