the day before leaving to college =D

Sep 14, 2003 15:28

OMG!!!! well then came september 1, 2003! my last day home and i can truly i say i enjoyed that day, it was pretty nice. well i woke up like all freaking out, like all sad sorta thing. it was funny now that i look back at it. well as the day went on my mom took me shopping, i spent like 100 dollars on clothes...pretty pretty pretty close, like 4 nice shirts and 3 pairs of jeans at bonne a mie or somethng like that, this pretty cheap store right there at the pico rivera towne center! on our drive home i asked my mom to pass by victors house to see if he was home cuz i wanted to see him and cuz i wanted to see if he was home so he can take the printer over my house...well we passed by and he was outside doing something to his car, and he looked soo cute, he had like some checkered shorts, some chanclas on and some white Tshirt, it was simple but nice, well i got home and i am told that my friend sandra callled and so i was gonna go onine but i didnt cuz i was waiting for her call for aout an hr or so but she never called so i did end up going online and stayed there til like wooooooo....well victor then IMs me and we were just like talking like whatevers at first and then i asked him if he was able to get the printer for me and well he did, he then told me he would take a shower so he could come over my house to bring the printer over. lol. well he took a 30 minute shower and thats looooong for him cuz he usually take 5 minute showers but he had to wash his nails super good too so yea that was why. wel he got here and i heard my dad asking my mom "esta erika. la buscan en la puerta" and i was like what?? so i went out and i saw my little victor was there...i asked him to come inside for a few but he wanted to go outside so yea we went outside, lol, i asked him to go inside after a few minutes and so we did, but he first had to park his car cuz he had left it in the driveway and when he left to go park it he came back with the printer so we went inside the house or well inside my room. haha. we stayed there for the longest time!!!!! it was niiiiice....he was just laying in my bed. he looked soo cute. i told my mom he was supposed to fix the computer, that that was why he came over in the frist place, but nah that wasnt true. we just talked about everything when he was here. well before he even came over i remembered that i needed my calculator becuase i was gonna take the math placement exam that first week of skool but there was one tiny problem, nestor had it. well i called him to see if he could take it over and he said he would be over in a few and i said ok but this was way before i knew victor was gonna come over too. well victor is inside my room for like 15-30 minutes alrady or something like that when i hear the doorbell ring, it was nestor, he looked cute, haha, he was wearing a checkered blue shirt and khaki cargo pants, well he gave me the calculator and left a few minutes after. well i was online all this time but had my away message on and nestor IMs me telling me "hey u...u better not be with victor" haha well victor read this and he just laughed and i mean me too because it was pretty funny, and when i talked to nestor like later on he told me he knew victor was over my house. he actualy thought that victor was still in his car hiding and waiting til nestor left, but victor was truly inside my house already. hahaha some funny stuff right there. well yea i told victor that that was nestor cuz i mean well why lie to him, he knows nestor and i are only friends. well victor left like at 1 in the morning and the goodbye part outside my house was pretty =( i didnt want to leave him, i didnt wanna grow up. well he just made everything so much better. just holding him in a tight hug that seemed to last forever made me feel soooooo nice. he told me taht the first week was gonna be scary but that i was gonna be better in a few days, he told me that if he could do it then i could do it too, he told me to keep my head up; he just made my world 100% better and he allowed me to feel so full of power, ready to conquer the hectic day that was yet too come....his good lucks and his youll do fine sure did help...i like him sooooo much and that night was just weird, i feel like telling him i love him but i cant, i mean i just like him soooooooooooooooooo much but its not yet love. i dont wanna scare him, i dont wanna scare myself but i know that what i feel for him is true....
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