May 18, 2004 05:24
I just g0t h0me fr0m Caitlyn`z and whurr chyllen tawkin 2 pe0ples l0l we saw 11294632564564353424234 Caterpillars l0l it was mad fun we went t0 the park and stuff :) i l0ve her:)
I miss bein with John but it`s f0r the better cuz like all my friends like him but even th0 were n0t t0gether ima styll l0ve him:) f0r wh0 he is!! JOHN PROMISE ME U WILL NEVER DO THAT AGAIN ..YOU TOO ROSS!
HAPPY B-DAY CAITLYN I LOVE YOU SO MUCH :) ur the bestest friend ever i d0nt kn0 wat i w0uld d0 with0ut y0o y0o mean everythin 2 me hun g0od luck :)
I`ll update bef0re bed:)
Im g0in 2 chyll with CAITLYN!!
John i still <33 u