(no subject)

Jun 05, 2005 12:29

Congrats to stentoriansista and mel21clc on their new grown up digs.

i finally painted my kitchen or rather started to paint...it's the lovely colors of "happy yellow," "cincinatti blue," and what I like to call "muy fun" which isn't really a color, but rather what's left when you look away from the blindingly bright walls.

I have signed up for anthropology, an art history, a course dedicated to Don Quixote (it better be a good book), and portuguese 1.

my garden is a happy place of sore hands and earthy goodness. i shall tell you what i have, i shall.

yellow peppers
green peppers
banana peppers
yellow squash

and when i get off work, i shall plant my carrots and my swiss chards. then in the fall, it shall be spinach time.

i don't like carrots, but what's a garden without them? i've never had swiss chards, but they looked really pretty on the seed packet.

au revoir
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