well, this second interview hasn't happened yet. i was starting to think that i had just imagined their e-mail asking me to come in again, but they finally got in touch with me today. send good thoughts over to falls church, virginia around 1:30 tomorrow afternoon, please? i've gone over answers to possible questions so much that now i'm afraid i'm going to sound like a robot.
i swear, i'll shut up about this job interview stuff. actually, if you never see me mention it here again, then it's because i probably didn't get it. haha.
i love late night wal-mart runs. well, it's 11 so it's not all that late, but the place closes at midnight, so i suppose it counts (my life would be a thousand times better if we had a super 24-hour wal-mart around these here parts). and i love that the manassas wal-mart just got new self checkout lines, so i don't feel like such a bloated fat kid in front of the wal-mart checkout clerk (who could care less) when all i'm buying are a big bag of miniature chocolate bars and a box of tampons. both items are directly related to each other, but the chocolate's not for me. unfortunately. it's for work, because yeah. i was all menstrual monster at the office earlier and ate so much of the freaking chocolate my co-worker and i bought at costco last week, to be reserved for the kids at our graduation parties. damn! way to be greedy and gross, me. just eat all of the damn food that's supposed to be for the families we serve in our program. so, yes, i need to buy candy for the kids to eat, and not for me to steal and hope that nobody notices. i guess that if you eat half the candy basket, then someone will probably notice.