Fic: Celebration (Snape/Lupin, Harry Potter Drabble)

Nov 20, 2009 18:19

Title: Celebration
Rating: T
Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Warnings: Slashly slash slash, I love slash.
Word Count: 200
Summary: Severus's honesty is refreshing.
A/N: Gift for
spidermoth over at
hp_halloween <3

"So you're not even going to spend Halloween with me, then?" Severus' voice was guarded as he stared at Remus, eyes creased as regarded him carefully.

"It's their, our, favorite holiday. I can't skip it, I can't," Remus sighed as he ran a hand through his mousy locks. "I can't believe you're mad at me for this.

"I'm not mad. Just disappointed," Severus explained, huffing indignantly.

"Don't be so silly," the werewolf scooted closer, sliding an arm around the other boy, "I know you don't want to cause mischief, anyway."

"It's not the tricks I wanted to see you for. It was the treats."

"Happy Halloween? Have a celebratory blowjob?" Remus mused as he raised an eyebrow.

"Something along those lines," Severus smirked, leaning forward as he pressed his lips to Remus's.

Remus pulled back as he steadied himself against the Whomping Willow's trunk, "Is it really that big of a deal to you? I mean, it's only Halloween. We don't have to spend every special occasion together, but if it really is important, I'm willing to sacrifice a few hours to you, you know.

Severus chuckled as he murmured quickly, "Not particularly. I just wanted a celebratory blowjob."

fanfiction, slash, drabble, hp_halloween, remus lupin, severus snape, harry potter

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