I hate last days of school!! :x

May 24, 2005 18:40

I feel like crap right now. School is over, but it doesn't feel like it. :( I dont kno what I will do senior year because I'm already bawling right now! Strange as it sounds, I don't want to be a junior because that means I am a step closer to college, a step closer to being alone, and a step closer to being away from my friends. I don't care how cool it is to be old... I don't want to grow up, EVER! I'm going to miss everyone in my class this year. You guyz made it such a memorable time! I thought more people would sign-up for AP english, but nobody did. I'm thinking of dropping it. Maybe that will equal less work. After I said good-bye to mr. Dotts after school today he had this look on his face that made me feel really bad..I just wish he could be my teacher forever! As much as I hate going to class, doing hw, and listening to the teachers talk, I loved to see the same people everyday who made me extra happy! I don't know what to do without you guyz this summer! Sorry, sometimes I wish i wasn't overly sentimental. PSG audition today. Let's just say I wish I wasn't there..i really made a fool of myself. NOBODY can play a b minor scale wrong..but guess wat?!?!? I DID!! And i TOTALLY screwed it up! I feel really bad because the only reason why ms. p put me in chamber is because without chamber I won't be able to do psg, but now i can't even do psg! :( I hope I'm not manipulating her or anything. I'm gonna eat lots of ice-cream and cookies to cheer myself up! :)
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