Nov 23, 2004 13:10
A lot of things in life are trivial. To pick battles with such matter is an absolute waste of your time. Gnash your teeth, roll your eyes, and then move on. No need to complain and moan about it every five minutes. It not only gets you flustered but other people annoyed at your total lack of seeing the big picture not to mention your incessant wailing. I've been prompted to write this entry after reading, hearing, seeing this stuff. I'm not saying don't complain every once in a while, just keep it in doses. Then again, i could be hypocritical since this entry itself is a complaint. hmmm. lets keep a quota of one complaint every 3 days!
here's my complaint.
I've been working on the Berkeley app for 3 days, and then i finally finish. Then i notice this small print that says if you have not completed one year of art/dance/drama/strings/TV then you can't apply. Wonderful! just waste 3 days of my holidays! yay!