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May 02, 2006 23:33

[dumb immigrants]

I was reading this article tonight about "day without immigrants" and my friend Tony said it best when he said "if they were never to work again it'd take like 2 months to adjust and everything would be fine"

seriously, who the hell cares about those protests? I seriously hope tomorrow the government picks up more illegal immigrants. they already raided Sawgrass Mall the other day. this is so ridiculous.. all those jobs that the illegal immigrants are doing--they could be given to ppl on welfare or even homeless people. there are PLENTLY of Americans w/out jobs, that are on food stamps that these jobs could be going to. sure, they aren't the best of of jobs-- and it might be hard work. but those LAZY AMERICANS out there can actually get off their lazy asses and work for those food stamps and make some income of their own. but I'm quite sure the liberals out there never thought of that!

my friend Lauryn also posted this bulletin for May 1st:

On May 1st, counter the protests of the illegal immigrants...go shopping, out the dinner, Mow your lawn in protest, etc. Tell these non-loving Americans that we don't need you as much as you need us!!

We must not let socialist run organizations, who have organized the rally for May 1, (and yes this is true) run this country. We have fought for a free country, and if these people have their way, then we have reverted back 60 years of history and freedoms. We cannot let that happen.

Remember, Democrats are upset, because they don't have power and will support any rally that makes Bush look bad, even if it means that it goes against their lowly morals.

GET out there on Monday and go shopping!!
FLY your American Flags up High and Proud!!
If you don't have the song, get it...Lee Greenwood's God Bless the USA..Proud to be an America!! The song says it all and play it all day!!

and I couldn't agree w/her more.

and lets not ever forget this:

"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people." -Theodore Roosevelt, 1907.

9:21 PM - 7 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment


I agree that we have serious immigration issues in this country but trying to extradite and criminalize 12 million people is not the answer. Although there is a laundry list of scandal, lies, war profiteering, atrocities, cronyism and corruption unlike no other administration before you still blindly support this president because he disguises himself as a flag waving everyman. His administration has failed this country by not securing out ports and borders and cracking down on illegal immigration after 9/11. Instead we have spent trillions on a war we were lied into(check into the Downing Street memo that proves the intelligence was FIXED around the policy and the Project for a New American Century that shows Bushs close friends have been fixing to have a military presence in the middle east since the 90s by waiting for another "Pearl Harbor" to give us an excuse to invade IRAQ who had nothing to do with 911!!!) instead of putting the money into real Homeland Security. Second if you want to talk about jobs lets talk about all the IT, manufacturing, customer service, and textile jobs that are outsourced to foreign countries that are Human RIghts violators i.e. China, Indonesia, Pakistan, India etc especially China who undermines the US dollar and manipulates our currency. Not to mention the big tax loops that cater to megacorporations that allow them to set up shop offshore. Here is a true statistic: 20 percent of these corporations profits are made solely on these tax breaks.!! But 27% of my measely commision checks where I work is federally taxed!!! In addition these US companies operate in areas such as Saipan where women are forced into abortion, sex slavery, abuse, and other disgusting human rights violations all through the manufacturing plants owned and operated by these US companies that buy these loophole legislations through megalobbyists to the Republican party!!! Your buddy Tom Delay said it best at a conference in Saipan when he said "Whats happening here. This is what America is all about". Yeah not my America. I believe in American and that was the America that Teddy Roosevelt sought to build by trustbusting monopolies, taking back precious natural lands from corporations, and supporting labor. If you want a sum of what this administration has done for this country watch Stephen Colberts brilliant, brave, and scathing performance at the White House Correspondence dinner. He did in 15 minutes what the so called "liberal media" hasn't even come close to doing in the past 6 years. He called out the president and his constituents right to their faces making them squirm in their chairs and turn red with embarassment. Also check out the documentary LOOSE CHANGE. Both at THANKYOUSTEPHENCOLBERT.ORG and 911LOOSECHANGE.COM respectively. Thank You.

Posted by Dave on Monday, May 01, 2006 at 7:47 AM

Lo Liz

hey david, forget about your personal agenda for one second and come back to the issue at hand.

you say, "criminalizing" these people is not the answer. the fact is, they ARE criminals. they are here ILLEGALLY. they SHOULD NOT be here. i don't see why this is so hard for people to understand. if someone robs a bank, are you going to let him get off with a smack on the hand? probably not. ya know why? it's illegal!

this is an issue of disrespect. these illegals come over here and invade our country without so much as learning to speak our language, and then start to degrade everything we stand for--turning our national anthem into a spanish "our hymn," disrespecting the flag, and then having the balls to take part in a PROTEST of our country!

if they can march and demonstrate and protest here, why not take it back to mexico? go march and protest there, and maybe something can be done about THEIR corrupt government--which is why they came over here in the first place.

Posted by Lo Liz on Monday, May 01, 2006 at 8:53 AM


I respectfully disagree.

Immigration is just the least of our issues. While Bush and his trolls have troops in Iraq fighting and dying for a meaning war, Bush and his oil buddies are getting rich, while the common people are paying the price. Have you seen the new reports? Exxon posted the 5th most profitable quarter in history. In history! Amazing, and we are paying a record amount of money for gas. No wonder they got such a huge profit? Where is the head of the person in charge of 9/11? Osama? Nowhere to be found. We took over a country for oil supposedly. Where is that oil?

For the rest of it, I dont need to type it all, because Dave posted all of it above (or below), which I agree with it all. This president has been a disgrace to America, to the people of this country, and to all of the presidents that have served before him.

On the topic of immigration, why dumb immigrants? Arent we all immigrants? Isnt that what this country was born upon?

Posted by .fernando. on Monday, May 01, 2006 at 8:24 AM

Lo Liz

obviously, she meant the illegal immigrants" were the dumb immigrants. yes, we migrated to this country--but we had the decency to go through the whole process, learn the language, and adhere to the customs of the place we were migrating to. these people refuse to--therefore, they are "dumb." and i agree.

by the way, we did not take over a country for oil. you said it yourself, "supposedly." but it's not true. and i'm not even going to go into it with you, because i already know i won't be able to get through to someone who believes bush has "trolls" and is "getting rich" with his oil buddies. psh.

Posted by Lo Liz on Monday, May 01, 2006 at 8:56 AM


So you dont believe Bush is getting rich with his oil buddies? Interesting.

Check this article out:


Yet our gas prices are up.

Profiteering on a BS war.

Posted by .fernando. on Monday, May 01, 2006 at 10:27 AM


You honestly believe that after two months everything would be fine again!?!?

Your fucking crazy & so is your friend...

Posted by Ntvd7 on Monday, May 01, 2006 at 10:39 AM


Thanks Fernando. Common sense does still exist in this materialistic tunnel vision corner of the US. I am strongly opposed to illegal immigrants marching with banners other than our US flag and those that refuse to learn our language and respect our customs but the fact of the matter is the far right wing wants them here because they provide cheap labor. And they are here because of a weak policy with MEXICO and our failure to secure our borders a long time ago. You figured 911 would have done it but we decided to go and put our resources into invading IRAQ. The fact of the matter is although these people are here illegally a majority percentage have built lives and have family units in this country and are here for a better life. As a human being I would not uproot someones life because years after they got here we finally decide to "crackdown". The fact of the matter is a majority of these people are paying billions into social security and spending money which is being taxed and they will never see a dime of it. They are technically paying in much more than they recieve. The best thing we can do is legalize get them a social security number and make learning english a requirement and start fresh with a better immigration policy that we will enforce from now on. It's really easy for bush supporters to generalize immigrants, minorities, working and lower class citizens as "lazy and "sucking" up our welfare system but the majority of these people truly have fallen on hard luck. My family has been through our share of financial woes. I have been on welfare, food stamps, social service donations through a lot of my childhood and if it wasnt for these things my parents would not have gotten back on their feet. Thank God now I have a decent job(if less than 20,000 a year is decent for a student) and go to college and own a home with my dad. Unfortunately I am still earning a working class income which is no longer eligible for financial aid. In addition my father is disabled and is living off social security and fighting to get his workers comp from these republlican lobbying insurance companies. Add rising tuition, gas prices, inflation, and no rise in the average wage and life seems to get more difficult but I guess I have to deal with it while the rich keep buying hummers and enjoying their tax cuts. If we want to generalize about people I can go and assume all conservatives are greedy, corrupt, hypocritical christians, who dont give a shit about the environment, the arts, or a broad education because thats what we see in the republican party but i know for the most part conservative Americans and all Americans really want something greater than we are seeing right now. These so called liberal policies that the reich-wing thinks are destroying america gave me the life that I would not have had and trust me it is a modest one compared to many people I know born into money. Agenda my ass its time to have some compassion, real morals, and see the big picture of the inequities of our classist system.

Posted by Dave on Monday, May 01, 2006 at 1:58 PM

Some ignorant ass girl posted this in her MySpace Blog. I don't even want to get into this Immigration debate because not everyone would see eye to eye with me. But what I don't appreciate is when people act like they know what they're talking about and would post something like this up. I can only speak from personal experience. I'm an American citizen. Born in Chicago, raised in Ft.Lauderdale. Both of my parents immigrated here from Peru. But from the day they got here, they did nothing but work their asses off to make a life here in the United States. My mother worked in a factory for over 25 years, earning a poor excuse of an hourly waged job. But she did it to support her family, to make something of us. She wanted my sisters and I to have the opportunity that we wouldn't have had if we were back in Peru. I'm proud to be an American. But I am also proud of my roots, which is of Hispanic descent (specifically Peru). Not all immigrants are MEXICAN! So how ignorant does this girl sound, suggesting that all us immigrants go back to Mexico. Do i agree withthe fact that there are some immigrants out there who refuse to speak english?! Hell No! I may be bias, but I compare everything to my mom. If my Mother could come to this country, learn the language, the customs and laws of the United States, then there is no reason as to why everyone else cannot. Everytime family members would think about coming to the US, my Mother would always tell them, "well before you even make plans to come, you need to learn how to speak english or else you're not going to succeed in the US".

I just wanted to post this journal so that everyone can read on about how dumb this girl sounds.

Oh, and BTW.... she's Asian.


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