Name: Kaela
Age: 17
Previously Stamped As: Pocahontas~
Describe your personality: i r lazy
Positive Traits: confident, smart, honest, funny
Negative Traits: arrogant, bitchy, emotional, opinionated
Likes: harry potter, musicals, zefron, hanging out with my bff !
Dislikes/Pet Peeves: lol twilight and things that are not the above things
What are your goals in life?: to be happy i suppose
What are you passionate about?: harry potter :3 and performing
What are your views on love?: lol its there right ?
[ ] Nature
[ ] Romance
[/] Humor
[ ] Fighting
[/] Family
[/] Magic
[x] Life
[ ] Death
[/] Chaos
[ ] Order
[ ] Angst
[ ] Traveling
[/] Friendship
[x] Curiosity
[x] Adventure
Please vote on at least 3 applications, or however many there are and list them here:
Or if you just plain awesome and you voted on all the applications, just put a check right here [i will ok]
Is/Are there any scene(s) that you feel doesn't suit you at all? (Limit to two!) i dont have the page open rn but lol if savages is an option can i please not get that